We're Just Friends! | Kyoya x Reader Lemon (Request)

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This is a request by lillian9017

The reader is Haruhi's sister who is a singer who sings songs about her ex Kyoya. Kyoya and the reader broke up and the readers parents wanted the reader to be friends with Mori but Kyoya thinks she's cheating on him. Can this be a lemon? Kyoya x Reader with slight Mori x Reader

Note : Contains sexual content

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Your POV

This had been going on for too long!

For the fifth time this week, much to my frustration, my boyfriend, Kyoya, insulted and threatened this poor guy who, may I add, did absolutely nothing wrong. He was speaking to me. Only hinting at a small compliment, informing me that my songs were amazing and that I had a beautiful voice. That was all! No flirtatious remarks, no inappropriate touching, just some harmless chatting. Then, out of nowhere, Kyoya, the possessive bastard he is, wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing a kiss to my cheek before glaring at the unfortunate victim before insulting him, telling him that if he ever came up to me again, he'd do something that he won't regret.

Raking my fingers through my hair, I narrow my eyes at the black haired male standing in front of me. A loud sound of frustration leaving my lips as I shake my head, irritation clawing at my back as I stare toward my significant other. How, on Gods Grace of an Earth, was he allowed to dictate to me what I could and couldn't do? A small sigh leaves my lips, sitting down on my bed as I stare at the glasses clad boy who just sits at my desk, arms crossed.

"I can't do this anymore," I finally speak up, shaking my head, taking a deep breath as I make eye contact with the intimidating male, showing I meant it, "I can't do this! Kyoya, I can't do this anymore!"

I had enough... having to endure countless days, listening to Kyoya to not make him upset, reassuring him constantly that he was the only one for me, that I had loved him so much that it made my chest hurt. I had enough. Trying to move my schedule around so that Kyoya was there anytime I had a little concert in a local pub, or if I was the leading singer at balls and galas that the school ran for students or if I was at a birthday or funeral or wedding being a lead singer, making my schedule fit around his. Forcing myself to make sure he was happy when it was driving me insane!

He was a control freak! And it had to stop...

"What do you mean, you can't do this anymore?" Kyoya asks, pushing his glasses further across the bridge of his nose, "I don't see what the problem is,"
"The problem," I breathe out, trying not to scream out my frustration and try to handle this in a more calmer manner, "Is that you're trying to control me,"
"I'm not," he replies glaring,
"You are!" I groan, raising my voice gripping my arm tightly, "Kyoya! This is ridiculous! Every single time I talk to a guy, you get all possessive and needy! You insult them and antagonise them! You're a second year for crying out loud!"
"You're my girlfriend, I'm allowed to express my love for you," he says crossing his arms, "You're just being ridiculous,"
"Oh! But it's alright for you to flirt with umpteen girls at the host club!" I yell, feeling frustrated
"That's just harmless, it means nothing," he says, walking toward me, taking my hand in his as he presses a kiss to my forehead

Sighing softly, I pull away, yanking my hand away from his grasp, shaking my head. Avoiding all eye contact with the older male, I look to the floor, heading to my bedroom door before opening it, leaving it open for him to leave, pointing to the hallway.

"I can't do this anymore, Kyoya..." I breathe, sighing softly, "Please, leave my house..."
"What are you doing?" He asks with wide eyes, "Are you ending this?"
"Yes, I'm sorry... but we're through," I whisper, wiping my eyes

Ouran High School Host Club x Reader Oneshots/LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now