Do You Want Me Or Not? | Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru Lemon (Request)

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This is a request by Unicorn_girl071

Could I request a Hikaru x reader x Kaoru? Possible lemon?

Warning : Sexual content! Oral! Threesome! Don't like, don't read!

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Your POV

Wheezing softly, I wince as the corset wrapped around my midsection tightens around me, practically holding me in its grip of death, squeezing my waist to be at its smallest width possible. The designer, leans against the wall of mirrors humming to herself every so often as the person that's dressing me ties the corset off, the strings gently tickling the small of my back as they're dropped to the garment of clothing. Finding it hard to breath in this thing, I practically scream at the sight of the dress toward in on a clothing rail, pulled along by the designers 'helpers', the person dressing me sending me an apologetic smile, sliding the dress of the hanger.

Taking a deep breath, I lift my arms up, spluttering as the fabric underneath the skirt of the dress rubs against my face, some of it tickling my nose as it's pushed past my head and the bodice is fitting snugly against the corset. Looking toward the designer, smiling in relief as she hums in approval, she gives me a thumbs up as the dresser smoothens the dress, making sure there were no creases within the whole skirt while the filler underneath made it look poofy and wide.

What is with fashion these days?!

A wave of relief washes over me as the dresser pulls away, letting me admire myself in the mirror. This dress wasn't for some casual outing to the countryside, oh no, it was more of a ballgown, maybe even a wedding dress. It had a simple yet striking design on the bodice, red roses overlapping the hem of the bodice and the skirt. The filling underneath began to scratch uncomfortably at my thighs as I took a small step forward, giving a little twirl in front of the mirrors as the designer smiles triumphantly, tugging at the sleeves as she walks over, making sure everything was perfectly envisioned as how she saw it in the first place.

It was a gorgeous dress, don't get me wrong, but man, it's so itchy and uncomfortable! It often made me regret and mull over my decisions in becoming a model for these sorts of designers... but hey, I got free clothes out of it so I can't complain too much!

"This is perfect, thank you (Y/n)," Mrs Hitachiin hums, sending me a soft smile as she takes a quick couple of pictures, so she can report back to her business, explaining how the modelling went and if they should produce more or less, "That looks absolutely gorgeous on you,"

"Thank you, Mrs Hitachiin," I reply, releasing a small sigh of relief as the dress is unzipped from behind me and falls to the floor, "It is a beautiful gown,"

"Yes, it is isn't it?" She muses, pumping her already big ego, sending me a happy smile, "My boys actually suggested it, they have roses around them all the time, it's a simple design yet it catches your eye with the splash of colour in those roses contrasting with the pale colour of the dress,"

Nodding softly, I rub my hand over my abdomen as the corset is finally releasing its murderous grip on my body. Letting it drop to the floor, I step out of it, thanking the dresser for their help before sliding on a blouse and some jeans, pulling the clips out of my hair, letting it tumble back down to its natural style, smiling toward the designer who wraps an arm around my shoulders, kissing my forehead as if I was one of her own. Rubbing my arm as she leads me out of the fitting room, leaving one of her assistants to sort out the dresses and everything.

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