You Are Not The Reason Why... Mori x Bullied!Reader (Request)

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This is a request by bayleana

Mori x bullied reader. You can make it up

*I'm so sorry I haven't done it sooner as I've been on a long hiatus and you've probably forgotten about it but I hope you love it regardless*

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Your POV

Sighing softly, I sit on the steps leading up to the grand mahogany double doors, holding my head in my left hand with a small whine. My head pounding from the earlier collision with the pavement, wincing softly as I lightly press my fingertips against the irritated patch, hissing in pain as I slowly irritate the centre. Painfully, I recoil my hand to my face checking it, sighing in relief as no blood appears. My eyes look to the ground as I play the events in my head, remembering how one of the girls who, may I add, thought that all of the Host Club members were hers for the taking, had pushed me to the ground, insulting me, taunting me, telling me how useless I was that I was practically the only one taking (favourite subject) as a major, telling me how disgusting I was whenever I booked an appointment with any of the Host Club Members (when she did the same).

Small tears cascade down my cheeks as I curl up into a small ball, wincing as my bruise from last week, sitting happily on my hip, stretches and sends a twang of pain right through my system. A groan releases from my lips as I wipe my cheeks rid of the salty liquid secreting from my eyes, sighing softly as I watch every other girl giggles with their friends, exchanging pleasantries and showing each other pictures of the boys they had been hopelessly lusting for.

Suddenly, a tall figure stands before me, kind hands slowly scooping me in his arms, pulling me close to his broad chest. Groaning softly, I slowly look up, a blush crawling up my face as I realise it was Takashi Morinozuka, the cousin of the little cutie Honey, who was sitting on his shoulders with a cute little smile. His eyes wide with worry as he clutches Usa-Chan staring at my head. Mori lets out a small sigh, before pressing a soft kiss to my forehead causing me to hide my head in my hands to reduce the attention to my now red face.

"She's hurt, Takashi," Honey points out, "Poor (Y/n)-Chan!"

Mori nods, holding me close, careful of the bruise that sat on my hip, and treks through the halls of the school. Honey's little feet carefully pressing into the sides of Mori's arms as to not hurt me. The strong yet silent man pushes open the door leading us to Music Room 3, heading toward a nearby sofa, carefully laying me on it as if I was a porcelain doll. Then, he kneels down in front of me, allowing Honey to jump off and skip to Haruhi to show her his cute little bunny, he rubs a hand on my cheek as Kyoya walks up with a first aid kit.

"What happened?" He asks, his deep voice sending a blush through to my cheeks, "Who did this to you?"
"Some girl," I croak out hissing in pain as he presses an antiseptic wipe to my bruise, clearing away blood from the small cuts that I must have missed, "I was just minding my own business... then this girl came up to me talking trash to me, insulting my major, my appearance and how I loved spending time with you and just pushed me when I replied with a snarky comment,"
"Why do they do this to you?" He asks, grabbing a bandage and beginning to wrap it around the bruise, "You're beautiful,"
"I'm dating one of the members of the Host Club," I reply holding a hand to his cheek smiling softly, "They're all just jealous..."

Sighing softly, Mori looks down, feeling responsible. Groaning softly, I sit up and slide down so I'm kneeling in front of the silent male, taking his face into my hands. His deep grey eyes slowly look to me as I press a soft kiss to his jawbone, softly smiling his way.

"If I knew this was how you're going to be treated, I wouldn't have done this," he says sighing, leaning into my touch pressing a soft kiss to my grazed palm, "This is all my fault,"
"Sweetie, you're not the reason why this happens," I say close to tears, "They've been bullying me since I was little, it's nothing I can't handle, I love you baby, and they're actions are only a small part of what goes on in my day, the rest is with you and I couldn't be happier,"

Nodding silently, he pulls me close, pulling me into a hug as he nuzzles his nose into my hair, the smell of rose petals and honey wafting into his nose and he presses a soft kiss to my bandaged head.

"I'm going to do more to protect you, my rose,"...

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