I'm All You Need | Yandere!Kyoya x Reader Lemon (Request)

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This is a request by IvyIsMyPoisonxo

Yandere Kyoya x Reader
He's Extremely manipulative (like if he could say 'you don't need family or friends when you have me, I'm all you'll ever need in life because I'm the only one that actually knows you') every time the reader suggests breaking up with him. One day, Kyoya almost snaps when Honey snuggles into the readers chest and after that takes his sexual frustration out

Disclaimer : Contains Sexual Content!

Enjoy ^-^
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Your POV

You can do this (Y/n)... You can do this... It's as simple as tying your shoes or walking a dog. It is needed. You need to rip the band aid off before it gets any worse. You need to speak up for yourself and do what's right. You can't let yourself live like this anymore. You can't let him do what he's doing anymore. Don't worry about how he feels. You need this. You have got to do this. You can do this.

While psyching myself up, I pace to and fro in the shared bedroom that both my boyfriend and I share. The sound of my heels clicking against the floor echoes around the room as I continue to stalk back and forth. Nails slowly getting shorter and shorter as I continue to anxiously bite on them while my stomach flips nauseatingly, threatening to make me hurl my breakfast and lunch back up. My eyes flicker from the bedroom door to the bedroom floor in ten second intervals. My throat closing up.

After deliberating and wondering and procrastinating for days and months upon end, I had come to the conclusion that I had to do something that I know I didn't want but I knew that I needed. It's essential that I do this. I had to do this. For me. For my mental wellbeing. If I wanted to be happy, I needed to go this. It's something that I knew would be the hardest decision I have ever made but I knew it had to be done unless I wanted to be miserable for the rest of my life. It's something I need to do...

I needed to break up with my boyfriend...

My boyfriend, Kyoya Ootori, isn't what I cracked him up to be. At first, he seemed like a dream come true. He would open the door for me and be the chivalrous gentleman that he wanted everyone to see him as. He would smile when he needed to. He would pepper playful kisses across the back of my neck and squeeze me from behind when I'm at my locker. He would send me a small gift every now and then to make me smile after a terrible day. He made himself look like the ideal boyfriend, the ideal soulmate...

Then the doors close...

Once he's no longer in public and he's in the safety of his own home, he's a completely different man. He's possessive. He's asking me questions upon questions about who I was talking to. He makes notes on who I spoke to and tells me he's going to make a couple of calls. He then gets in his high horse, yelling at me and telling me that I'm ungrateful whenever I try to tell him that it's not a big deal when I speak to other guys. He's threatened to hurt whoever I speak to if I don't do what he says... it's like a hundred and eight degrees to what everyone else sees.

Sometimes, it'll get to the point where he will take my phone off me and won't let me have it back until I have redeemed myself worthy of having my phone. He'll control what I wear when we go out. He'll have his arm around my waist all the time when we're in public. He marks his territory around me. He refuses to let me go anywhere without him being there. I've even gone for a girls day out with Haruhi and he's right by my side watching my every move like a hawk. He's even stalked me when I go and see my family!

Ouran High School Host Club x Reader Oneshots/LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now