Childhood Sweethearts Kyoya x Reader (Request)

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This is a request by lillian9017

Kyoya x reader. The reader has a past with Kyoya and they have been apart for a really long time and when they meet again they remember what they did when they were younger

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Your Pov

Whimpering softly, I look down at my grazed knee, blood beginning to seep out from the gash. Small stones digging into the skin around it adding more pain as well as some white marks around the red parts from where I skidded across the floor when I fell over. My eyes begin to water again as the stinging gets worse as I sit there gawking at my knee.

"Are you okay?" Someone asks making me turn to the boy, he had neat black hair, glasses and kind brown eyes full of concern as he sits next to me, "Did you fall over?"

Sniffling, I nod, whimpering softly as he looks at the gash, his fingers softly prodding at the skin around it chasing small yelps out of my throat. Looking back up at my face, he smiles softly, holding a soft, satin handkerchief up to my nose, letting me blow into it. He smiles wiping the rest of the snot off my nose before using an unused corner to wipe my tears away.

Afterwards, he kisses my forehead, pulling a blush up my face as he giggles. Sniffling, I smile back softly, watching as he pulls out a band aid from his pocket and applying it to my knee. Wincing as he presses down onto my graze, I look up at him, watching him as he focuses on making sure that my gash was covered up completely. Once finished, Kyoya presses a soft kiss to the plaster, making me blush a little bit more, before kissing my cheek.

"There you go," he says, holding a hand out for me to take, "Want to play?"

Softly, I nod, taking his hand as he pulls me up to my feet making me wince as pressure shoots through my knee. The boy holds my hand, steadying me, before slowly leading me to the swings, helping me sit down on one of them before he sits on the one beside me, still smiling sweetly in my direction. I smile back, beginning to swing with him as he begins to speak.

"I'm Kyoya," he says smiling, "What's your name?"
"(Y/n)," I reply blushing softly
"You don't talk much do you," he observes making me nod softly, "Are you shy?" He receives another nod, "You don't have to be shy around me, I'm your friend,"
"R - Really?" I ask looking at him hopefully
"Sure, you're a really pretty girl," he says giggling

Nodding, I giggle back holding his hand as we swing with each other. We begin to talk about our life at home, later finding out that his parents are super rich and own a major health care and they have their own police force and he's going to go to this academy when he's older called Ouran Academy and that he hopes to impress his father by surpassing his older brothers to show his father that he can be the best. He found out that my mother was a model for Vogue and that my father was a fashion designer, owner of the brand Giovila, and that my dream was to become an actress or something along the lines of that.

As we finish our conversation, a woman with black hair walks over to us, smiling kindly at me (she must be Kyoya's mom) with my mom walking in behind her, her eyes instantly lock onto the band aid, my mind completely forgetting about it, before holding me close as I hug her back smiling.

"What happened?" She asks kissing my forehead
"I fell over," I reply, "but Kyoya helped me,"
"I see you've made a friend, Kyoya," His mom says ruffling his hair up, making him swat at her
"Can Kyoya come round, mom?" I ask hopefully giving her the puppy eyes
"Maybe," she says smiling

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