I'm Keeping It... | Hikaru x Pregnant!Reader (Request)

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This is a request by Rosetale_Frisk22

A Hikaru x pregnant reader
I'd like it to be a like a teenage pregnancy. She gets pregnant and talks to Hikaru about it which ends up as an argument because hikaru can't accept the news since he was still in shock and ends up saying hurtful things to the reader. They make up after being apart for a week or two (readers avoids him). The host club takes part in it too! To help Hikaru and convince him to accept the truth and make up with the reader.

Warning : Le angst and swearing!

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Narrators POV

Fear wracked (Y/n)'s brain with each step that she took. Nearing the room that held the Host Club. Her heart managed to crawl into her throat, each gulp that she took made her feel like something was poking up from the back of her mouth. Her arms shook by her sides, her breathing laboured. Her heart hammered against her rib cage, threatening to burst out of her chest. Tears cornering in the girls eyes as she shakily stand face to face with the double oak doors that separated her and her fate.

Sighing softly, she takes a deep breath, centring herself and bracing her conscience for the next couple of minutes. This had to go well. She couldn't mess this up. Gulping audibly, trying to ignore the worried glances that by-passers sent her, she raises a shaky fist. Her hand visibly shaking as she gently knocks against the door, a soft knocking sound erupting through the air. As the door opens, (Y/n)'s breath hitches.

There was no turning back now...

Her feet moved quicker than her brain could comprehend. It was as if she was in survival mode. Her body moving before her brain could even order it too. So many thoughts were entering her mind as she crosses into the threshold of the Host Club room. What if she messes this up? What if he doesn't support this? What if he leaves her? What if he hates her forever?... Why was this so difficult!

Why was she so nervous?!

Usually, she hadn't a care in the world. Pushing through the hallways with a positive skip in her step. Giving everyone a quick wave or a polite hello before she would go and visit her gorgeous, loving boyfriend. Holding gifts for him such as a homemade lunch, or sometimes the odd sweet treat that she made with her own hands. Maybe even the odd hoodie or something that she found that she'd know he'd like. Or even some cologne. Never once was so nervous to see him. But today...

Today was different.

Gulping gently, she walks through the Host Club room; sending Haruhi a shaky smile as she heads toward her boyfriend. (Y/n)'s fingers tightening gently around the small bag as she looks toward the auburn haired male that meant absolutely everything to her. He was her world. Her everything. Her rock.

Watching him chuckle with his younger twin, leaning against the wall with a playful smirk as his twin whines at something he says. He looks so happy, so at ease. His brown eyes twinkling with glee as his brother playfully taps at him.

And I was so going to ruin that with her news!Oh my god, I'm the worst girlfriend ever!, she screams at herself, her brain telling her to turn around and retreat.

"You alright, (Y/n) - san?" Haruhi asks, gently taking her hands into hers softly, rubbing the backs of them with her thumb, "You don't look that great... were you sick this morning? You have a temperature too... Is everything okay?"

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