A3. Gift Left Behind (BenPavel)

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Pavel's pov:

I looked around.

There was a car on it's side in the middle of the road. And another one upside down on the other side of the road. Smoke was coming out of it. I could see fire as well.

My bike was on the other side of the road. It was crushed.

I don't know if the people in the cars are ok.

No one has come out of either of them.

The worst part was the gasoline leaking out of the gas tank of the car which was upside down.

It was really close to me.

Fuck.... That's not good...

I turned to my side.

Ben was lying near me on the ground unconscious.

"Ben.... Ben!! Wake up!!" I yelled.

He didn't move.


I looked down at myself.

There was a sharp piece of metal embedded in my abdomen.

Blood was pouring out the sides of the wound because of my earlier efforts to remove it.

I coughed and more blood poured out of my mouth.

I forced myself to get up.

Every move was excruciating.

But I can't let him die... No... At least he needs to survive...

I gripped the piece of metal tightly and ripped it out.

"AAAAAARRGGHHH!!" I screamed at the excruciating pain that followed.

Blood poured out of my mouth and onto Ben's shirt soaking it.

I looked at his face.

"You bastard... Making me do all the work... Wake the fuck up already..." I punched his chest lightly.

He didn't even flinch.

I took off my jacket and wrapped it around my abdomen tightly. "GGGHH!!"

I pulled his arms and put him on my back.

I stumbled and fell onto my knees the first two times but the third time I managed to get up and take a few steps.

My vision got blurry and I could feel myself fading.

NO!! Not now!!

I dug my hand into my abdomen trying to distract myself.

I stumbled as far away from the scene as I could.

When I was sure he would be safe, I slowly knelt down and put him down leaning on the tree near the side of the road.

I took off the helmet he was wearing and threw it aside.

Thank god I managed to convince him to wear it...

I slumped onto him.

"Ben... Please... Wake up... I can't...." I pleaded.

Just then the car exploded and a huge gust of wind came our way.

I managed to move and cover him with my body before any debris hit him.

After the explosion settled down, I laid my weight on his chest.

"Ben, please..... I can't anymore... I'm already...." I cried into his chest.

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