A4. Fear (KitMing)

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I was initially planning on making changes to the plot slightly but i changed my mind.
I just changed one detail that didn't match up before.
The rest is the same.

Kit's pov:

I slammed the door behind me as i went into my apartment.

My blood was boiling and i had to grit my teeth to keep myself from breaking anything.

I went straight into the kitchen and gulped down a full glass of water.

"P'Kit?" I heard Ming's voice behind me.

I felt my anger immediately dissipate when i heard the hesitance and fear in his voice.

I turned around and saw him standing near the counter looking at me.

He was kind of hiding behind the wall.

I blinked profusely.

"Ming? What's wrong?"

"Um, did something happen at work?" He asked softly.

I felt my anger rise again.

"Some bastard tried to lay their hands on a nurse. When i punched him, i got punished for it and he got away scotch free." I growled and slammed the glass onto the counter.

"Did you talk to the management?" He asked.

"They're the ones who fucking suspended me for a week." I hissed.

I went out of the kitchen and plopped onto the couch in the living room.

"But why? Did the nurse not testify?" He slowly sat down beside me.

"She did. But the bastard is the son of the director. Nothing we can do about it. And I'm not contacting dad." I answered.

He stiffened.

I looked at him.

"The son of the director? You mean Lucas Lion?" He looked at me wide eyed.

I frowned but nodded.

He bit his lips and looked away.

My gaze wandered to his hands.

They were clutched together tightly and trembling.

Again. All my anger dissipated and was now replaced with confusion and worry.

"Ming?" I put my hand on his.

He flinched slightly and turned to me.

I could see fear and anxiousness in his eyes.

"What's wrong? Why do you look scared?" I asked softly.

He bit his lips.

"I-it's nothing." He shook his head.

"Your voice wouldn't crack if it was nothing." I said firmly.

He gulped.

"Do you know that guy?" I tilted my head after a few seconds of silence.

He flinched.

I frowned deeply.

"How do you know him?"

"I...." His voice trailed off.

I could see that his body was starting to shake.

I pulled him into my arms and wrapped my arms around him.

He clutched onto my shirt tightly and buried his face in my neck.

I've never seen him like this before.

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