A25. Found And Healed (Lost And Broken Pt2) (Pavel)

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12 years later:

Daisy's pov:

I tapped my pen on the desk as i stared down at the book laid out infront of me.

I'm supposed to be studying for a test next week but i can't concentrate.

Not after that conversation i overheard two days ago.

I have a lot of suspicions but none of them are concrete enough for me to confront him about it.

Papa will most probably cry or something if i even try to imply something like that.

And i hate seeing him cry.

Dad will most probably get really angry.

And i don't have the patience to deal with that.

I looked towards the door of my room when i heard it open.

"Hey." David came in, holding a basket full of snacks.

A smile automatically formed on my face.

He smiled back as he closed and locked the door behind him, coming upto me, and putting the basket on the desk next to my book.

"I noticed you've been a little down lately. Want to share?" He sat down on the desk next to the basket and looked at me.

"So this is a bribe to make me spill?" I cocked an eyebrow pointing at the basket with my pen.

"That and to hopefully lift your mood a little." He grinned.

I chuckled, reaching out to take a Reese's cup. "Oh, you know me too well."

"I am your brother. Of course, i know you well." He shrugged.

"True true." I nodded, popping the cup into my mouth.

"So what is it?" He tilted his head.

I sighed and sat back in my chair.

"I overheard a conversation dad was having with someone over the phone 2 days ago."

He slowly nodded, keeping quiet.

"He was saying something along the lines of "He never needs to find out the truth. As far as he knows, i adopted them from an orphanage. That's all he needs to know. Nothing more."." I narrated what i had heard him say.

He was obviously surprised at that.

"Wait, doesn't that mean..."

I nodded. "He didn't adopt us from an orphanage. And he's hiding the truth about us from papa."

He frowned deeply.

"But what could that truth be?"

"I don't know either." I sighed.

"Maybe it's time we started looking for our biological family." He muttered.

"But how?" I looked at him.

"We investigate it our own way." He looked at me with a grin on his face.

A grin formed on my face as well.
"It said we were born here on our birth certificates," I muttered as we stood in front of the hospital.

"Yeah. But how are we going to find out about our parents from here? They wouldn't just let us see the records." He looked at me.

I grinned widely.

"I just happen to remember the name of the doctor who helped deliver us. It came up in dad's conversation i heard."

A wide grin formed on his face as well. "Now, doesn't that make things 100 times easier?"

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