A20. Lost Miracle (TypeTharn)

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Tharn's pov'

I gaped at the doctor trying to process what she had just told me.

".... What?" I muttered unbelieving.

She was smiling warmly at me. "Congratulations mr. Kirigun. You're 2 months pregnant."

I blinked profusely as i tried to wrap my head around the information.

My right hand slowly went to my stomach.

"So the dizziness, nausea, and vomitting..."

"They are a part of the morning sickness. They should ease up around your 4th month." She answered.

Tears started forming in my eyes.

I'm pregnant...

I'm carrying our baby...

I couldn't stop the wide smile that made its way onto my lips.

"You didn't know you had this condition?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Is it very rare? I've never heard of it before."

"It is quite rare. Most men with this condition prefer to hide it since our society isn't the most accepting of same sex relationships to begin with." She sighed.

I bit my lips and nodded.

"The morning sickness tends to be quite bad for men with this condition. So try to take vitamin supplements daily ok? And make sure to eat and drink water as much as you can to keep the baby healthy." She added.

I nodded. "Yes. I'll make sure to be careful."

She gave me a prescription for some supplements to take and i made my way out.

I was hopping as i went out of the elevator on the ground floor.

I couldn't help the excitement that was brewing inside me.

We're going to have our own baby!

I took my phone out after getting into my car.

He said he has half shift today. So he should be back home by now.

I dialed his number and connected it to my Bluetooth earplug as i started driving.

"Hey." He answered after the second ring.

"Hey, Type. Are you home?" I asked.

"Yeah. I just got back. Why do you sound so excited?" He asked.

I couldn't help but giggle. "I just got some great news. I'll tell you when i get back."

"O... K.... I'll get freshened up in the meantime then." He said slowly.

I could tell he was confused.

"Ok." I nodded hanging up.

I wonder how he'll react...
"Type!" I called out loudly as i went into our apartment.

"Why the hell are you being so loud?" I stopped when i heard his dad's voice come from the living room.

My happy mood instantly disappeared as i saw his glare.

I gulped before bowing slightly. "Hello pa."

"I told you not to call me that!" He clicked his tongue and looked away.

I bit my lips. "Sorry, sir."

"Now get me something to drink! My idiot son didn't bother giving me anything!" He crossed his arms.

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