A6. The Secret Revealed (KitMing)

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Kit's pov:

It's been 4 days.

No calls. No cheesy texts. Nothing.

I haven't seen him at all in the last 4 days.

He said he was just going to a family reunion. That he would be back on Monday.

But it's Tuesday. And he still didn't come back. No one can reach him. Not even Yo.

"Where the hell are you idiot?" I muttered under my breath as I pulled up in the parking lot of my dorm.

I got out of my car and locked it.

I froze when I saw a certain car not far from where I was parked.

I read the license plate 3 times to make sure it was the right one.

He's here!!

I rushed into the dorm and ran upstairs.
I hurriedly unlocked my room and went inside.

He was sitting in front of my bed on the floor with his knees pulled to his chest and his face buried in them.

I closed the door quickly went up to him.

"Ming," I called him.

I was planning on giving him a long lecture but my voice got caught in my throat when he looked up at me.

His eyes were pooled with tears. They were really red. And his face was swollen as if he had been crying for hours.

"P'...." He cried and reached out to me.

I immediately knelt.

He hugged me tightly and cried into my neck.

I wrapped my arms around him and gently rubbed the back of his head.

"Ming, what happened?" I asked softly.

He tightened his arms around me and cried louder.

"Sssshh... Calm down... I'm here...." I whispered soothingly while rubbing the back of his head.

I have never seen him cry like this before. He would shed a few tears silently but never full-on cry like this.
We stayed like that until he calmed down.

I slowly let him go and wiped his tears.

"Come on. Sit on the bed." I pulled him to stand and sit on the bed.

"Ming. Tell me. What happened in the last 4 days? Why weren't you picking up your phone?" I asked gently while gripping his hands in mine.

He bit his lips.

I rubbed his hands reassuringly.

He took a deep shaky breath.

"P'..... I-i can't t-take it any-more..." He sobbed.

I frowned.

"Can't take what? What's going on?" I moved closer to him.

"M-my father... H-he...." His voice was cut off by his own sobs.

I gently rubbed his back and waited for him to continue.

My worry was increasing with each passing second.

"H-he ke-eps tou-ching me...." He gripped my hands tightly.

My eyes widened.

"Touching you as in..."

He nodded.

"It fe-els so dis-gusting..... I-i tr-tried to tell him t-to st-op... B-but he wo-won't lis-ten...." He cried.

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