A46. Unstable (LeoFiat)

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This one is Drama_Queen1234
Hope you enjoy!

Fiat's pov:

The first thing that registered in my head as i woke up was that i couldn't breath too well.

My nose felt stuffy and blocked. My throat also felt sore and scratchy. My head was aching. And i felt cold.

I slowly peeled open my eyes, blinking quickly to clear my vision.

Even that action was hard. I felt so tired.

I pulled the duvet tighter around me and curled in on myself.

Why is it so cold?

It wasn't that cold when i went to sleep last night.

I groaned softly as i realised that i did feel off last night.

I should have known this would happen after i did something like that.

Playing in the rain definitely wasn't a good idea.

"Fiat? Are you awake?" Leo's voice came from the direction of the bathroom door.

I didn't move from my position or try to look at him.

My body feel way too heavy to even try that.

I could hear his footsteps coming around the bed.

He sat down beside me on the bed, gazing at me with a worried look.

"You look pale." He put a hand on my forehead.

"You're burning up... I told you it wasn't a good idea to play in the rain like that yesterday." He sighed.

I curled in on myself even more.

"I'll get some medicine for you. Wait." He got up and went out of the room.

I pulled the duvet over my head and closed my eyes.

I'm definitely not going anywhere from this bed today.
Thr next time i woke up, i felt somewhat better.

The medicine and porridge Leo had me eat before he left for class had their effect.

I slowly sat up, still feeling kind of dizzy and my nose was still stuffy.

I didn't feel as cold as before so i guess my fever went down somewhat, even if not fully.

I looked towards the nightstand, a soft grumble escaping my lips when i saw that the water jug was empty.


Leo must have forgotten to refill it.

But i feel so thirsty.

I guess i have no choice but to go downstairs by myself...

I peeled off the duvet and got out of bed, slowly making my way out of the bedroom.

My body felt heavy and i had to hold onto the wall for support.

Everything around me was a little out of focus but thankfully, i could make out enough to not stumble down the stairs.
I froze right before going into the kitchen when i saw the scene there.

All my sickness was forgotten as i recognised the person cleaning the counters with her back to me.

Fear crawled up inside me very quickly.

Why is she here...

Dad said he had gotten a restraining order against her...

She shouldn't be anywhere near this house or me...

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