A10. Believe Me (Kimmon)

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Kim's pov:

"P'Kim?" Ter spoke up while we were cuddling in bed.

We had finished shooting 2 hours ago and took a warm shower before getting in bed.

"Hm?" I looked down and him.

He had his head on my chest and was drawing circles with his index finger.

I could tell he was hesitating.

I felt a sharp pain in my chest.

I knew exactly what he was thinking.

And it hurt. A lot.

But i kept a straight face and waited for him to tell me.

"I... I talked to Bass..." He muttered.

I gulped the lump in my throat before speaking up. "What did he say?"

Everything in me was hoping he would have refused.

But of course. Fate wasn't on my side.

"He agreed. He said he's actually been wanting me for a while. But he didn't say anything because of our relationship." He looked up at me.

I could see excitement and joy in his eyes.

How i wish i was the reason behind that shine.

"That's great isn't it?" I smiled and patted his head.

He smiled and nodded.

"He said to come to Night hotel at 8pm." He glanced at the clock.

I also looked at it.


"I should get ready." He sat up.

"Yeah. Go take a shower and get cleaned up." I also sat up and ruffled his hair.

He blushed and hurried into the bathroom.

The moment the door locked, the tears that I've been holding back with so much effort came out. They rolled down my cheeks one after the other.

I looked down at my wrist.

My gear bracelet.

The one i tried to give to him.

The one he refused.

He had tried to make a lot of excuses saying it's too important and everything but i could see the real reason clearly in his eyes.

He didn't want it.

He didn't want to be seen with it.

I know what you're thinking.

Then why am i still with him?

Because i love him.

He's the only one in my heart even though i know I'm not the only one in his.

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