B3. Our Miracle (Lost Miracle Alt Vers.) (TypeTharn) [1]

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Here's the alternate version for "lost miracle"!
This will have two parts since it became longer than i anticipated. I'll post the second part soon!

This version will start from the moment right before Type's dad punches Tharn.
Everything before that is the same.

Hope you enjoy!

Tharn's pov:

Tears brimmed my eyes as i scooted back against the wall.

He was glaring at me darkly as if he was going to kill me this second.

He probably would have if mae wasn't holding him back and Type wasn't standing in front of me.

"Pa calm down. You're going too far now." Type.

"Too far? How dare you knock him up?! I've been telling you to leave him! Now see what he did! He tricked you into knocking him up so you won't be able to leave him!" Pa yelled.

I bit my quivering lips trying not to sob as tears streamed down my face nonstop.

His words hurt so much more than i imagined.

"Pa! He didn't do anything on purpose! He himself didn't know he could get pregnant until a week ago!" Type replied.

Pa suddenly yanked himself from mae's grip and pushed Type aside making me jump.

He was about to punch me but Type yanked him back before he could, making him fall to the floor.

I wrapped my arms around my stomach as more tears streamed down my face and i started trembling.

"I've had enough! You've crossed the line! You actually tried to punch him and harm our child?!" He stood in front of me and yelled.

"That is not a child! That's a curse that's growing inside him!" Pa yelled making me whimper.

They're our baby... Not a curse...

The next thing i know, a loud slap resonated in the air making me jump and yelp out of fright.

Type turned around and pulled me into his arms.

I buried myself in his embrace and clutched onto his shirt tightly.

This is so scary... I don't want to stay here anymore... I want to go home... To our apartment...

"We've stayed long enough. I don't want him to be put under any more stress in his condition. We're leaving." He reached under me lifting me into his arms.

I hid my face in his neck and held onto him tightly.

"I'll come to visit later after i take care of him. Go." I could hear mae saying before Type walked out.
I didn't let go of him even after we were in our apartment.

I kept hiding my face in his neck and clinging to him tightly.

He rubbed my back gently.

"I'm sorry about him... I never imagined his attitude would go to this extent." He said softly.

I pulled back and looked at him.

He wiped my tear-stained face with his sleeves.

"I don't want to see him anymore... It's too scary and painful..." I mumbled softly.

He nodded. "We won't see him again. I promise. I'll make sure of it. He's lost the right to see us after what he tried to do today."

"Mm." I nodded slightly and hugged him again laying my head on his shoulder.

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