A23. Wait For Me (LeoFiat)

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Fiat's pov:

Utter dread and fear crawled up inside me as i stepped back with each step she took forward.

My body was shaking badly and i couldn't bring myself to make a single noise.

"Fiat. Come to mommy." She smiled reaching her hand out to me.

I gripped my arms and shook my head vigorously.

Why did i have to be home alone right now?

I'm scared...

My phone is on the coffee table in the living room and we're in the kitchen so i can't reach that either.

"Fiat. Don't be like this. Come here." She stepped closer making me step back even more until i reached the fridge.

I scooted back against it as much as i could.

"Pl-please... N-o..." I somehow managed to get out as she stood really close in front of me.

"Fiat. Don't make me repeat myself." She extended her hand towards me. 

Tears started forming in my eyes. 


Leo... Help me... 


The next thing i know, my head snapped to the side and my cheek stung badly. 

"I didn't teach you to be this much of a brat, Fiat. Did living with your father without me make you forget everything i taught you?" She gripped my jaw tightly and made me look at her. 

I couldn't bring out my voice. 

There was a lump blocking my throat. 

My body was shaking in utter fear as i tried to keep myself calm.

Tears were starting to form in my eyes as i tired my best not to break down infront of her.

"Are you going to listen to me now?" She asked.

I bit my lips and shook my head with the small amount of courage i had in me.

I could literally see her anger rising at my refusal.

I braced myself and pushed her away before running out of the kitchen and to the living room.

I grabbed my phone from the coffee table and quickly turned it on dialing Leo's number.

I bit my nails nervously as it kept ringing.


Pelase pick up...


But he didn't pick up.

It was then that u realised he had said he had practice.

So his phone would be in his locker.

I looked towards the front door.

I need to run.

I shot to my feet and was about to run out of the house but i was stopped when she stepped infront of me making me bump into her.

I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen at that moment.

I dropped my phone as i felt the pain start spreading as she pulled back.

She was holding a big kitchen knife which was bloody.

I slowly looked down at myself.

I was starting to beeld profusely.

I shakily pressed on the wound which intensified the pain even more.

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