A53. Happiness (KimVegas/JeffBible)

455 32 4

Idk what this is.
Enjoy ig😭

Vegas's pov:

I slowly opened my eyes, frowning as I tried to adjust my vision.


I was laying on my back, looking up at the night sky.

I tried to remember where I was and how I got here.

And then it clicked.

I was out on a mission.

And of course, things went wrong.

I was sent by myself so I barely managed to escape from their base without getting killed.

I know I was being chased though.

I had run into a dark alley, hoping they would lose me.

But that hope was crushed very quickly when four men cornered me.

I couldn't fight them by myself.

My fighting skills hadn't recovered since those bullet wounds I got in that damn coup.

I still couldn't move properly.

And so...

I blinked as I realized something odd.

I felt no pain in my body.

But instead, I felt light.

I slowly pushed myself up and looked down at myself.

What the...

I couldn't help but gape as I looked at my body.

I was translucent.

As if I was a ghost or something.

Does this mean...

I looked around, stopping when I saw it.

My body.

It was perched up against the wall.

My face was barely recognizable. It was covered in blood and bruises. There were two vertical slashes over my eyes that they had done before they killed me. The rest of my body wasn't any better. Bullet wounds in every limb, and finally one right between my eyebrows.

My gaze wandered to my chest. My shirt was ripped open, revealing my torso.

And there was a Lion carved on my chest with a knife. The symbol of the Russians.

I guess they want everyone to know that they're the ones who killed me.

I sighed softly and crawled closer before sitting near my body.

Such a miserable death...

Cornered and killed like this in a dirty alley.

But I guess it fits the theme of my life.

Just as miserable.

I couldn't help the dry chuckle that escaped my lips as I reached out and tried to brush back some of the hair on my face but my hand went through.

I retracted my hand and looked at it.

Of course, I can't touch it.

Ghosts can't touch stuff like that.

I looked out into the busy street. People and vehicles were going about, completely unaware that there's a dead body right here.

I wonder how long it'll take before anyone notices... How long will it be before they come find me. Or will the stench of my rotting body attract the authorities first?

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