A33. What You Deserve (PhaForth)

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Forth's pov:

I exhaled shakily and rubbed my arms up and down as i looked out the window of the car. I was tapping my foot and squirming in my seat.

I was buzzing with excess energy and was finding it hard to stay still.

I've been working out almost half the day but it still hasn't gone away.

I know what this is.

I know it all too well.

I was just hoping i would be able to take care of it myself.

He's been so busy with work these past few weeks and is constantly tired. I don't want to add to that.

But i can't get rid of this uncomfortable feeling no matter what i do.

The logical part of my brain knows that he's the only one who can calm this energy in me.

But the rest of me refuses to acknowledge it. Because acknowledging it would mean that i would have to ask him for help.

I chewed on my bottom lip as i tried to calm myself down.

It's been building up under my skin for the last week.

Every day it just kept getting worse.

And today, it reached its peak.

I can't sit still at all and I'm really jumpy around everyone.

Every touch feels so wrong and even the clothes i usually wear feel so harsh against my skin.

I want to rip off my clothes but i don't think that's going to make it any better.

I need him.

I can't take care of this by myself.
"Sir, we're here." I blinked when i heard the taxi driver speak.

It was then that i realized we had stopped in front of my apartment building.

I took out my wallet and fumbled with it for a few seconds before managing to get the cash out and give it to the driver.

"Are you sure you're ok? You're shaking quite badly." He gave me a worried look.

I looked at my hands and saw that they were trembling badly.

I gulped and shook my head before quickly getting out of the car.

A stranger pushing me is the last thing i need right now.
I bit my nails and kept tapping my foot even after getting into the elevator.

He said he has the day off and will be catching up on rest so i know he's still at home.

Today is the first day off he's had in weeks.

He won't get angry if i go to him like this right?

"What, you want me to take control? Beg for it."

I clenched my eyes shut and shook my head as Caleb's voice rang in my head.

No. He's not like that. He's different.

"Please me first. Then I'll consider taking care of you."

I couldn't stop the small whimper that escaped my lips at that.

Stop. He's not Caleb. He wouldn't do that.

How do you know? Even Caleb was sweet at first. But then he changed. What makes him any different?

Tears started forming in my eyes as i slumped back against the elevator wall.

Please... Stop...

Nothing is free in this world. You'll have to please him as well if you want anything from him.

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