A16. My Identity (GulfMew)

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Mew's pov:

I stared at the whiteboard blankly as the lecturer was explaining.

I didn't understand a word of what he was saying.

I couldn't bring myself to concentrate at all.

My mind kept blanking out every minute.

What's happening to me?

Am i too tired?

I guess 3 overnighters back to back wasn't a good idea...

"-arn. Tharn!" I snapped out of my thoughts when i heard a voice yelling.

I looked to my side and saw Lhong standing there.

"Dude class is over." He said.

I blinked.

It was then that i realised that the lecturer had stopped talking and the students were starting to leave.

I quickly gathered my things and got up as well.

"You've been blanking out all day man. Are you ok?" Lhong asked as we went out of the classroom.

"I'm fine. Just a little sleep deprived." I smiled.

He snaked an arm around my shoulders. "You stayed up studying again? You top the exams every time without doing much! Why do you worry so much?"

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." I shook my head.

You only see the final results after the exams are over.

You don't see what goes on behind closed doors to achieve those results.

It must be nice being so oblivious.

He didn't push anymore as we went out of the building.

I stopped when i saw a certain car parked near the gate.

"Oh, lover boy is here again." Lhong chuckled.

"I'll see you later then." He patted my shoulder and walked away.

I sighed inwardly and went towards the gate.

I got into the car in the passenger seat.

"You know nothing is going to change even if you come here everyday." I said staring straight infront.

Gulf looked at me with a cold gaze.

"How fun is it acting like your dead brother?"

I felt a sting in my chest at that.

But of course, i didn't show anything on my face.

"You have everyone else convinced. Even your own fucking parents. But you can't convince me. I know how disgusting you really are." He poked my chest with his finger.

"I know i can't. That's why I'm not trying to." I said flatly.

He clicked his tongue.

"I had thought you were a kind and caring guy. But i guess i was a fool to have believed that mask you had put on."

Another sting.

"What do you hope to achieve by saying these things to me everyday? I already told you nothing is going to change." I finally looked at him.

He glared at me. "I'll keep repeating these things until you reveal the truth."

"We both know that's not going to happen." I sighed.

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