A27. Feverish (KitMark)

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Mark's pov:

I sighed deeply and rubbed my forehead as I headed to my car.

Today was another failure.

He's so stubborn and still doesn't want to accept me.

I felt really worn out.

My head was throbbing and my whole body was aching.

"A fever? Seriously?" I muttered annoyed.

I've been so busy with the assignments and trying to court p'Kit that I haven't had any proper rest in days.

I leaned on the hood of my car and held my head.

My vision was getting dark. I was feeling really dizzy. A feeling of nausea crawled up inside me.

"Fuck..." I stumbled into the driver's seat and took my phone.

I slowly dialed a familiar number.

It kept ringing for a while before it was accepted.

"Yu...." I mumbled weakly.

"Um. Sorry, bro. I'm a little busy now. I'll call you back later. Gotta go." He said quickly before hanging up.

I frowned slightly.

I tried to call him 5 more times.

He texted me telling me to not bother him and that he'll meet me tomorrow after cutting the 5th call.

I pursed my lips.

Oh yeah... He and p'Thanu started dating recently...

My body lost strength and I dropped my phone.

I tried to reach out and lock the door but I couldn't even lift my hand.

The last thing I remember is the feeling of hitting my head on the window.

Then everything went black.
Kit's pov:

I headed to my car in the parking lot.

I let out an annoyed groan when I noticed his car next to mine.

I got into the driver's seat of mine.

I glanced at his car when I noticed it was moving.

There was a girl in the driver's seat. The seat was reclined and she seems to be on top of the person on the seat.

I gritted my teeth.

I could feel my blood boiling.

I was about to start my car when I heard her yelling.

"Stop struggling already! Just give in and enjoy the pleasure I'm giving you!" She yelled frustrated.

I looked at her.

She was holding his wrists tightly.

I frowned deeply.

I quickly undid my seatbelt and got out of my car.

I rushed to his car and opened the driver's seat door.

"What the hell?!" The girl shouted.

I looked at Mark.

He was really pale and breathing harshly. His eyes were barely open. I could see tears streaming down the sides of his face.

"No... Pl-ea-se...." He muttered softly.

"The fuck are you trying to do to him?!" I glared at the girl.

"That's none of your business! Now get out!" She tried to push me away.

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