A28. Drained (PranPat)

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Pat's pov:

I gripped the railing tightly as i tried to keep my focus on the words that were being yelled by the people around me.

My head was pounding and felt as if it was going to split open any second.

But none of them seemed to notice it and kept yelling at each other.

I knew they would be against our relationship from the very beginning. It was a risk we had taken and accepted.

But arguing like this publicly is humiliating, to say the least.

They're yelling every swear word they can think of at each other without thinking about their surroundings.

I winced when i i felt my ears starting to ring due to the pain in my head.

I don't know how much longer i can bear this.

I've been ignoring this headache for the last 2 days but it's getting unbearable now.

I ignored our parents and slowly started walking down the hallway wanting to get away from all the noise hoping that will help with the pain.

Thankfully none of them noticed and tried to stop me.

I clutched my head tightly and leaned on a pillar as i started feeling unsteady.


I felt myself falling backward but strong arms wrapped around me before i fell.

I looked to my side and saw Pran standing there looking at me with a worried expression.

"Pat, what's wrong? Are you feeling sick?" He asked softly.

I sighed softly as my vision started getting blurry.

"My head hurts... And dizzy..." I muttered still clutching my head tightly.

He slowly lowered us to the floor and i leaned my weight on him.

I could feel him putting his hand on my forehead.

It felt unusually cold.

"You're burning up..." I could hear his worried voice muttering.

Oh. I'm having a fever.

That explains the headache.

I winced in pain when our parents started yelling even louder making my headache worse.

"Argh..." I clenched my eyes shut and pressed myself against Pran.

"Let's get you to the hospital for now." He pulled my arms and lifted me on his back.

I laid my head on his shoulder as he stood up and started walking fast.

My vision got blurry and i could feel myself fainting.

My body felt like lead and my ears were ringing nonstop at this point.

I couldn't hear anything over the ringing anymore.

Then everything went black.
"-at... Pat, open your eyes! Pat!" I could hear Pran's voice.

My eyelids felt really heavy and it was really difficult to open them but i somehow managed to do it. Only halfway, though.

The first thing i saw was his worried expression on top of me.

"Stay with me ok? We're almost there." He said softly.

I realized i was laying with my head on his lap. We were probably in a taxi or something.

I wanted to say something but i couldn't bring my voice out.

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