A24. Lost And Broken (Pavel)

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Dome's pov:

I stared at Pavel silently.

His gaze was glued on Daisy and David.

I could see worry cloud his eyes whenever they trip even a little.

It wasn't just some normal worry.

His body language resembled more of a parent looking at their children.

I looked at Daisy and David who were playing around with Earth and Nine.

I frowned when an odd thought occured to me.

Why does David kind of resemble Pavel? And even the way he's running around...

I blinked when suddenly Ben went upto them and stepped infront of them so Pavel couldn't see them.

He was glancing at him while pretending to play with the four of the others.

I looked at Pavel.

I was surprised when i saw tears forming in his eyes.

He shot up and went inside fast.

"What..." I was really confused but hurried to follow him.

When i got to our bedroom on the 2nd floor, he was sitting on the bed with his face buried in his palms.

I felt worry crawl up inside me when i saw how his hands were shaking.

I quickly went upto and knelt infront of him.

"Pavel?" I called him softly.

He didn't look at me.

But i could hear his soft whimpers as if he was trying really hard to not cry.

"Pavel, what's wrong? Hey." I held his hands and pulled them away.

He latched onto me and buried his face in my neck before i could see his face.

I was taken aback for a second but returned the hug.

My worry was increasing with each passing second as i felt my neck getting wet.

"Pavel, love, what's wrong? Please talk to me. You're worrying me." I said softly.

He didn't say anything and just tightened his arms around me.

I pursed my lips and just rubbed his back gently trying to calm him down.

"Can we go back home?" He muttered against my neck after he finally stopped crying.

I blinked.


He kept quiet.

"You've been acting weird ever since you saw Daisy and David. What's going on?" I asked.

He slowly let me go and sat back a bit.

I wiped his tears with my palms.

"You wouldn't believe me even if i told you." He smiled thinly.

I frowned. "Why wouldn't i believe you? I always believe your words don't i?"

He looked at me.

"What if i said they're my children? Who came out of my womb?"

I froze.

"Wh-what?" I muttered shakily.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Daisy and David. I carried them in my womb for 7 and a half months."

I sat there on the floor frozen stiff.

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