A8. Not Good Enough (DomePavel)

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Dome's pov:

I groaned and banged my head on the table again.

"You've been banging your head on the table since this morning, man. The hell is going on?" Ben frowned.

Nine was also looking at me questioning.

"I don't know..." I sighed.

"You don't know? You've been doing that all day but you don't know why you're doing it?" Nine asked.

I shook my head.

"Then what?" They both hissed at the same time.

I ruffled my own hair.

"It's just... He's been acting really odd..." I mumbled.

They blinked.

"He? You mean Pavel?" Ben asked.

I nodded.

"It is weird how he doesn't come here during lunch anymore. And your phone has been really quiet as well." Nine nodded.

"Exactly!" I snapped my head up.

"Did you guys have a fight?" They looked at me.

"That's the thing. We never fought or had any kind of argument. He started acting like this out of nowhere." I groaned.

They frowned.

"Did you ask him about it?"

"I did. But he always just changes the topic." I sighed.

"Something must have happened for him to suddenly act like that." Ben muttered.

"I know. But i don't know WHAT." I pulled at my hair.

Lately, he's been acting really odd.

He's been awfully quiet around me.

He doesn't cling to me like usual even when we're alone.

He doesn't even come to my faculty during lunch. He used to come everyday!

I tried going to his faculty one time thinking he might be busy, but no one knew where the fuck he went!

He just said something came up at his home when i called him.

And he was in our apartment when i got back from calsses that day acting as if nothing happened.

Why does it feel like he's holding himself back?

I never told him to do that.

"P'Dome?" I looked up when i heard my name being called.

A junior from our faculty was standing there.

"Yes?" I tilted my head.

"I found this near the gate." He gave me a journal.

I blinked.

"It has p'Pavel's name on it. It looks private so i didn't open it." He said.

I took it from him.

Just as he said, Pavel's name was on the back of it. It's definitely his own handwriting.

"Thank you. I'll give it to him." I looked abck at him.

He smiled and bowed slightly before going away.

"Near the gate? So he did come here but didn't meet you?" Nine frowned.

I frowned as well. But for a different reason.

I've never seen him use this journal before.

It doesn't look new either. It looks worn out.

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