A11. Believe Me (revelation)

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Ter's pov:

I looked at Bass with my jaw hanging low.

I couldn't believe what he had just said.

"What did you just say?" Tee who was standing next to me asked wide-eyed.

"I lied ok? He didn't try to force himself on me! I just made up evidence to get him arrested!" He huffed and slumped onto the couch.

My blood ran cold.

I remembered how p'Kim looked those days and during the court ruling.

I should have seen it...

How did i not see it?!

His eyes were screaming pain! How did none of us notice?!

My vision blurred as tears started brimming in my eyes.

8 years...

He spent 8 whole years in jail for something he didn't do...

I looked up when i heard a loud thud.

Bass was now on the floor holding his cheek and Tae was standing near him glaring at him darkly.

"You bastard. Then why the fuck did you do all that shit?! What did ever do to you?!" He growled.

Before Bass could say anything, Godt stepped up.

"It was the same as with Lucas wasn't it? You just couldn't handle it. And you did the same thing again. But this time you succeeded in convincing everyone to condemn an innocent." He hissed.

We looked at Bass.

He was gritting his teeth and looking away.

I looked at him in disbelief.

"You forced yourself on him, then framed him. Just because you couldn't accept the fact that he became more successful than you?!" I yelled.

He didn't say anything.

"We need to find p'Kim. He was released 3 days ago." Tee spoke up.

We all nodded in agreement.

I don't know if he'll forgive us but i won't be able to sleep unless i beg for it.

Just then, i got a notification on our phones.

I frowned when i saw that it was a message from our manager.

It was in the group chat.

I opened the message.

It was a link to a news article.

A bad feeling started growing in the pit of my stomach.

I shakily tapped on the link.

My blood ran cold when i saw the headline.

Former actor Kimmon Varodom found dead on a beach near state prison.

My hands were shaking so badly that i couldn't scroll down to read the actual article.

I couldn't see the words on the screen through the tears streaming down my face.

"He walked into the water by himself... And drowned..." I heard Tae mutter. His voice was thick with shock and immense guilt.

With that my legs lost strength and i fell to the floor.

"H-he had died 3 days ago... But only washed up on the beach last night..." Tee added shakily.

I covered my mouth with my palm and clenched my eyes shut.

He couldn't handle it...

He reached his breaking point...

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