B1. Innocent Bunny (TineWat)

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Tine's pov:

I clicked my tongue as i read the texts that were swarming my Facebook inbox.

It was from an account that i don't recognize.

But whoever they are, they obviously don't like me being with their idol.

And they're freely showing it through their texts.

I sent a quick reply after they finally stopped sending text after text.

Me: If you've got the guts to text me bullshit like this, then at least say it to my face rather than being a coward and hiding behind a screen and an anonymous account. If you can't even do that much, then you're not even worth my time.

I then blocked that account. After taking screenshots of the conversation for later usage.

"Tine!" I looked behind me when i heard my name being called.

A smile automatically formed on my face when i saw Wat coming up to me.

"I thought you said you had classes until 3." I looked at the time.

It was only 1:45 pm.

"Yeah, the last one got canceled." He smiled looping an arm around my shoulders.

I nodded.

"How about your classes?" He asked.

"I finished my last one 15 minutes ago," I replied.

"Then let's go on a date today. It's been so long since we've had time to go out together." He pulled me to stand by my arm.

"Sure. Let's go." I grabbed my bag and we headed out of the courtyard.
We went to our dorm first to get changed.

I was scrolling through my phone as i waited for him to finish after getting ready myself.

I sighed when i saw another round of texts from another unknown account this time on Instagram.

The username was the same as the one from facebook.

They really think calling me every slur in the book is going to make me leave my boyfriend...


I took screenshots and deleted the texts before blocking the account.

Hiding behind an anonymous account and attacking me is fucking cowardly.

I looked up when i heard the bathroom door opening.

Wat came out fully dressed.

"I'm ready. Let's go." He smiled after putting on some perfume.

I got up from the bed and we headed out together.
"Tine." I looked at him when i heard him calling me.

"What?" I tilted my head.

He chuckled softly and reached out to wipe some ice cream from the corner of my lips.

"Still such a messy eater."

I smiled innocently.

"Who has time to pay attention to cleanliness when the ice cream is so good?" I scooped up some more into my mouth.

It really was so good.

I've always loved chocolate ice cream.

He reached out and wiped the corner of my lips again.

I didn't miss the movement of the people who were sitting at the table behind him.

But i ignored them.
"I'll just go to the washroom," I spoke after we finished eating our ice cream.

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