C6. Punishment (ThaJoong) [M]

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Joong's pov:

"Aahnnn..." I whined softly as I squirmed in place on the bed.

Shivers were running down my spine and my body was trembling.

My vision was unfocused and blurry.

I bit my lips when I felt the vibrator press on that spot inside me again. It was turned on at medium speed.

"AAANNNGHH..." I arched my back sharply as I felt the need to cum.

But it was stopped for the nth time by the cockring around the base of my dick.

I sobbed quietly.

I really wanted to cum.

But I couldn't.

I wasn't allowed to.

I couldn't even move from here.

I looked towards the bathroom door when I heard it open.

Master came out half-naked.

He was wearing black leather pants.

"Mas-ster..." I looked at him pleading.

"You're not getting away that easily tonight pet. You broke a big rule today." He went to the cabinet and opened it.

I shuddered and tugged at the handcuffs around my wrists which were tied to the headboard.

He took something from the cabinet but i couldn't see what it was since he had his hand behind his back.

He sat down on the bed beside me.

He reached up and pinched my left nipple harshly.

"AAHH!!" I jolted at the stinging pain.

I curled in on myself as my body shook even more.

But he pushed my legs flat against the bed.

"Keep them open." He growled.

My body heeded automatically.

"I-I'm so-rry... Pl-ease..." I sobbed.

It was starting to get painful.

He got up from the bed.

Before I could even think about saying anything, he suddenly flipped me so I was lying on my stomach.

He raised my hips so my ass was in the air while my head was buried in the pillow.

"Keep it like that."

I bit my lips as I knew what was going to come next.

And as expected, I felt a big blow land on my left buttcheek.

"AAHH!!" I yelped in both surprise and in pain.

"O-ne..." I managed to get out.

I gritted my teeth trying not to cry out when another blow landed on my right buttcheek.


Tears were streaming down my face nonstop.

Another blow landed on my left buttcheek right on the spot where he hit me first.

I arched my back sharply and my mouth hung open in a silent scream.

The vibrator in my ass was only intensifying the sensations.

"Th-ree..." I managed to get out somehow.

"What's your colour?" He asked in low voice.

I couldn't answer him for a few seconds.

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