A21. Only One Who Cared (MingForth)

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Forth's pov:

"... What?" I muttered softly as i looked at the person standing infront of me.

"I can't do this anymore. Let's break up." He sighed.

I stepped closer to him and took his hands in mine. "Why? Did i do something wrong? Why do you want to break up so suddenly?"

He yanked his hands from my grip and stepped back.

I felt my chest ache at the action.

"I just don't want to do this anymore. I can't keep hiding like this. And coming out is not an option. I can't afford to lose my friends and family for a relationship." He looked away.

The pain increased hearing his words.

"So... I'm not worth fighting for?" I asked softly.

He groaned and scrawled his hair. "Don't try to manipulate me, Jaturapoom. I said i don't want to lose everything i have for a relationship like this. End of discussion."

I pressed my tongue on the roof of my mouth trying to keep the tears from escaping my eyes as i the pain kept increasing more and more.

"You're not going to change your mind are you?"

He shook his head. "No I'm not. And don't try to contact me again. It will be better if we stay away from each other."

He took his bag from the bed which he had packed earlier and left.

I stood there in the middle of my dorm room staring at the now closed door.

The pain in my chest was spreading through my body in waves.

I wasn't worth it... Again...

I wasn't good enough... For the fight... Again...

My legs gave out and i fell to the floor.

My vision blurred as tears started streaming down my face nonstop.

No sound came out from my mouth.

Just silent tears dropping to the floor as i sat there.

How many times does this make...

No matter how hard i try...

I'm still not worth anything...

Only good enough for fucks... Nothing more...

I looked out the windows.

It was cloudy and looked like it was going to rain.
I closed my eyes as i tilted my head upwards.

I could feel my tears mixing with the rain as it poured down my body.

It was now raining and I'm here standing on the rooftop. By myself.

This is the only form of consolation i have.

I don't have anyone to go to.

No one to talk to.

The only thing i can do is just stand here under the rain and hope that it washes away the pain along with the tears as well.

I opened my eyes and looked around.

Everything was silent other than the sound of the rain hitting the concrete.

I slowly stepped towards the railings and looked down.

The dorm had 20 floors so falling from this height would be a guarenteed death.

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