C2. 🚨🚨Prey (BeamMing) [M]

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Ming's pov:

"I'm so fucking tired!" I groaned as i threw my bag to the floor and slumped onto the bed face first.

P'Forth was in a really bad mood today for some reason and made us do twice the usual work during SOTUS.

And we had so much lab work even!

Why do they love to torture us so much?!

I knew i should take a shower and get cleaned up before going to bed but my body was way too sore and tired.

I didn't want to get up from the bed.

So i took off all my clothes leaving myself only in my boxers before crawling under the duvet.

The exhaustion quickly caught on and slowly drifted off into dreamland.

I woke up a little later when i felt cold.

I frowned and blindly felt around the bed trying to find the duvet which was supposed to be covering me.

But i froze when suddenly my hand was grabbed.

It wasn't a tight grip or anything.

It was actually gentle.

But the fact that someone was holding my hand made me really alarmed and snap my eyes open.

I froze when i saw the person hovering over me on his fours.

"P-p'Beam?!" I couldn't help but yell.

He covered my mouth with his free hand.

"Ssshh... You don't want to wake up your neighbors do you?" He grinned.

I frowned deeply.

Why is he in my room?!

Scratch that! How did he even get in?!

I'm pretty sure i locked the door!!

"I have my ways to get in through locked doors. And i couldn't resist coming here." He sat up on my waist letting go of my hand.

"W-why..." I managed to utter.

He licked his lips while looking over my body with heated gaze.

"I've always noticed you have a beautiful build. Not too big but not too small either. Just right." He caressed my chest making me shiver.

"I've been wanting to taste you ever since i first laid my eyes on you." He slipped off his t-shirt and threw it to the floor.

I was about to stop him but he suddenly crashed his lips onto mine making me gasp in shock.

He used that as a chance to push his tongue inside and start licking every nook and cranny of my mouth.

I shuddered under him as he basically devoured me.

I didn't stand a chance against his absolute dominance.

And for some reason, i could feel my strength seeping away from my body as he kept sucking my tongue and fucking my mouth.

My body was heating up and i could feel a haze forming in my head making everything blurry.

I could feel my dick hardening in my boxers.

I gripped his shoulders tightly trying to keep myself grounded as my toes curled uncontrollably.

He finally let me go when the need for air arose.

I gasped for air as my body trembled.


I can't control my body...

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