A34. (un)faithful (Korn (TWM)) PT1

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Korn's pov:

I stared out through the windows of my bedroom as i sat on my bed.

I could hear the sound of children running around, playing outside.

I could hear the sound of the fan running above my head.

I could feel the pain coursing through my veins from my chest.

I could feel my cheek stinging and my jaw aching.

But my eyes remained dry.

Not a single tear formed in them.

Probably because i already ran out of tears to cry.

Now, I'm just sitting here, waiting for the pain to stop as well. Just like how the tears have dried.

I hope it'll be soon...
I didn't move from my position even as i heard my bedroom door open and familiar footsteps come in.

She came around and sat down beside me on the bed.

I still didn't move or look at her.

"Korn, you should understand your father's anger. It was hard enough for us to accept how... Different you are. But we tried our best to understand. And then you go and do something like this." She sighed.

I kept quiet.

It's not like she's going to believe a single word that comes out of my mouth anyway.

I couldn't help but flinch away when i felt her put her hand on my shoulder.

I automatically raised my arm to shield myself, expecting another hit or something.

But then i realized who it was that touched me and forced myself to relax.

I still didn't look at her though.

"We wouldn't have had to get to this point if you were normal... Like the other kids..." She muttered before getting up and leaving.

I felt a sharp pain in my chest as i heard her words.

But i kept my face neutral.

I wish i could be normal like you wanted...

I wish this was something i could control...

Maybe then, i wouldn't have to be put through all this pain...
No one came into my room for the rest of the day after that.

I just stared at the sky through my bedroom window the whole time.

All the curses, hits, painful words, everything kept ringing in my head over and over again like a broken film.

And the most painful thing was the fragmented memories of that night.

Of me begging him to stop... Saying i have a boyfriend...

Him laughing and pinning me down while having his way with me...

I don't know how i kept calm and didn't have a panic attack even while my mind kept screaming all these things nonstop.

The door blasted open just as the sun was setting.

I jumped out of fright and covered my ears with my palms trying to block out the noise.

Not again...


I can't take anymore...

But of course, fate is never on my side...

I was yanked to my feet by my collar and came face to face with a furious Yihwa.

"How dare you do something like that to Knock?!" She yelled.

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