B2. Misdirected Revenge (ArthitKong)

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Kongpob's pov:

I groaned in pain as I started regaining consciousness.

My head was pounding and I felt as if i got run over by a truck.

I slowly opened my eyes with a lot of difficulties, blinking quickly to clear my vision.

I tried moving my body but every little move hurt like hell.

So instead of trying to move, i focused on trying to open my eyes and see.

When i finally managed to clear my vision, i saw that i was in a dimly lit room.

I was on my side on the ground and there was only a chair on the other side of the room. Nothing else was there.

And it was a really small room.

Probably 8x8.

I frowned as i tried to remember how i ended up here.

I was waiting for a motorcycle taxi after finishing classes when a black van stopped in front of me.

Some men came out of it and grabbed me, one putting a cloth over my nose and mouth.

I remember smelling some kind of chemical before passing out.

Did i get kidnapped?


Again, i tried to move my body.

But a loud groan escaped my lips as pain shot through every muscle.

I slowly looked down at myself.

I was now wearing only my t-shirt and jeans.

My shoes, socks, and jacket weren't there.

And i was covered in dirt.

I could see dark bruises on my arms and there are most probably more of them under my clothes as well, judging by how shitty i felt.

I stayed still and took a few deep breaths before bracing myself.

I need to at least sit up.

So even with the huge amounts of pain shooting through my body, i pushed myself up to lean against the wall behind me.

I had to close my eyes and breath deeply a few more times after managing to do it.

My whole body was screaming in pain.

Damn, whoever beat me up, didn't fucking hold back.

I wouldn't be surprised if i have a few fractured bones even.

I opened my eyes after managing to compose myself and looked around the room.

It was completely bare except for the chair and the small light bulb hanging from the ceiling.

The paint was peeling off the walls and there was no window. There was only one door which i doubt I'll be able to open.

I patted my jeans pockets and scoffed when i felt that they were empty.

Of course, they wouldn't leave my phone or wallet with me. Idiot.

I brought one hand up to my right temple and touched it gently.

I couldn't help but hiss in pain at that small touch.

I felt my hand get wet.


Of course, I'm bleeding.

I sighed and leaned my head back against the wall.

Now, how the fuck do i get out of here?

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