A22. The Victim (TypeTharn)

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Type's pov:

I breathed a relieved sigh as i walked out of the temple.

I can finally go back to Tharn today.

And this time, no one can come between us anymore.

I've been missing him so much for the last 2 years.

I couldn't keep in contact since i wasn't allowed to do that while staying at the temple.

I took my phone which they thankfully made sure to keep charged.

I was about to call Tharn's number but stopped when i saw a notification.

It was a text from p'Thorn. From 4 months ago.

I frowned.

Why did he text me?

He should have known i wouldnt be able to respond.

I quickly opened the text message.

I could feel anxiety brewing inside me as i read it.

He didn't say much.

He just said he knows i will see the text when i leave the temple. To not go back to mine and Tharn's apartment and to instead go to their parent's house.

I dialed his number.

He picked it up after the 2nd ring.

"Hello Type."

"Hello p'. What do you mean by that text?" I asked.

I could hear him sigh shakily.

"I can't explain on the phone. It'll be better to come here and see for yourself."

My frown deepened.

For some reason, i had a bad feeling in my stomach.

"I'll send a cab to the temple now. You can take that here." He added and hung up.

I stared at my phone screen with increasing anxiety and confusion.

Why did he sound so serious?

Did something happen to Tharn?
My heart dropped to the hollow of my knees when i saw the scene infront of me.

Now I'm standing in Tharn's room in his parent's house.

The whole place is a mess. Things are thrown everywhere.

But that wasn't what bothered me.

What bothered me was seeing him curled up in the corner. His face was buried in his knees which were pulled close to his chest.

I snapped my head towards p'Thorn who was standing next to me looking at him with a grim expression.

"None of our voices reach him. He hasn't said a word in the last 4 months. Only mutters your name." He sighed.

"What the fuck happened?" I asked wide-eyed.

How the hell did he end up like this?

He pursed his lips.

"I'll explain later. For now, try to talk to him please. We can't bear to keep seeing him like this. I think your voice will reach him."

I looked back at Tharn.

He doesn't seem to have heard us come in.

I kept my bag on the bed and slowly went to him.

He slowly looked up when i knelt infront of him.

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