A5. Stay (BeamForth)

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Beam's pov:

I'm currently at the beach near the dorms.

I've been holed up in my dorm for the whole day just because I didn't want to go out.

I decided to go out for a stroll and came here.

I looked around the beach lazily.

I froze when I saw someone.

"What the..." I frowned deeply.

He was sitting on the sand staring out into the sea.

His knees were pulled up to his chest and his chin was placed on them.

What bothered me was his expression.

It was a completely blank one. Not as if he's calm but as if he's completely given up.

I slowly approached him.

When I got closer I noticed the tear stains on his cheeks.

I hastened my steps towards him.

"Forth?" I called him softly when I was close enough.

He didn't react.

I knelt beside him and squeezed his shoulder gently.


He blinked a few times before looking at me.

My breath hitched when our eyes met.

The amount of pain, sadness, and loneliness swirling in his eyes made my heart drop.

He didn't say anything and just kept quiet.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

His eyes brimmed with tears.

"Forth. Hey. Talk to me." I gently wiped his tears.

He slowly moved and wrapped his arms around me burying his face in my neck.

I was completely frozen.

I felt my neck getting wet.

I blinked profusely.

I could hear small whimpers coming from him.

I couldn't help but wrap my arms around him protectively.

I have never seen him so vulnerable and fragile.

He's the head hazer of the engineering faculty. Their leader.

He's always the tough and unbeatable one.

He doesn't show any weakness to anyone. Not even to his friends on the hazing team.

His body was trembling and he was clutching onto my shirt tightly.

I gently patted his head and rubbed small soothing circles on his back.

I don't know what happened for him to end up like this.

He suddenly disappeared two months ago and now I find him in this state.

I really wanted to ask him but now is not the right time. For now, I need to focus on calming him down.
I kept silent and patted his head and rubbed his back until he calmed down.

He slowly moved back.

His eyes were glued to the ground.

I stared at him for a while before speaking up.

"Why are you here alone? Where's Lam?" I asked.

He gulped and looked away.

Fresh tears formed in his eyes.

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