C5.🚨Possessive Daddy (MewSaint) [M]

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Saint's pov:

"Saint!" I looked to my side when i heard my name being called.

"Ahh! Hey Perth!" I smiled widely when i saw him coming up to me.

"It's been so long man!" He hugged me tightly making me laugh.

"It has. Around a year now?" I said as he sat on the chsir next to me.

"Yup! So how have you been? I haven't hesrd from you." He put his elbow on the table and looked at me expectantly.

I sat back in my chair. "I've been good. A bit busy with studies and a few modeling gigs."

He nodded. "That's good. You're popularity has been rising since we finished shooting love by chance."

I chuckled. "I could say the same about you. Don't think i haven't seen all those magazine covers."

He chuckled and sat back in his chair as well. "I'm not doing too bad."

"By the way i heard you got a lover." He added.

I blinked surprised.

"Where did you hear that?"

His grin widened at that.

I clicked my tongue.

He tricked me.

"Who is it?" He leaned forward looking at me with excitement.

"I'm not telling you after you tricked me like that." I smacked his head.

"Awwww... Come onnnn..." He pouted and pulled ky hand.

I shook my hand and tried to pull my hand away from his.

But his grip was tight.

"I'm not letting go until you tell me who it is." He said.

I was about to say something but someone yanked my hand away from his grip.

I gulped as i recognised that hand holding mine all too well.

I didn't have to look behind me to know who it was.

"Who are you?" Perth frowned at him.

"Your death certificate. Touch him again and it will be signed and delivered to your family." Mew growled pulling me to stand.

I looked at him.

He was glaring at Perth.

"Hey calm down. He was just holding my hand. He didn't do anything more." I said softly.

He looked at me sharply making me shut my mouth instantly.

"Let's go." He pulled me with him as he walked away.

"I'll see you later!" I called out behind me to Perth eho was frozen in his seat.
I visibly gulped as i sat on the table while Mew was standing infront of me.

He had his arms crossed over his chest and was glaring at me.

"I saw that hug as well." He hissed after a few minutes of tense silence.

I stiffened.


I was hoping he didn't see that.

He came closer and put his hands on either side of me.

"You didn't even try to push him away. What did i tell you about letting others touch you like that?" He gripped my jaw tightly.

I bit my lips. "That was..."

"That was what?" He raised an eyebrow.

I looked down as I couldn't come up with an excuse that i knew would satisfy him.

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