A12. Reliving Childhood (MewTae)

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Mew's pov:

I slowly opened my eyes trying to adjust to the bright sunlight coming in through the window.

I covered my eyes with my arm.

"Tae why the hell are the curtains open?" I groaned.

"Oh I'm sorry." A small child's voice came as a reply before the curtains were closed.

I blinked profusely and turned to look at him.

"What the hell?!?" I immediately shot up.

There was a mini version of Tae sitting there near the window.

He was still wearing his pyjamas he wore to sleep last night which were now slipping off his body because they were too big on him.

I pinched my arm.

"Ow!" I flinched.

"So I'm not dreaming?" I muttered under my breath.

I looked at mini Tae again.

He was staring at me silently.

"Tae? What happened?" I asked.

He tilted his head.

"I don't know p'. I just woke up here next to you. I don't remember how i got here." He answered.

...... P'??!!

Did he just call me p'?!?

Does that mean he doesn't remember me??

My jaw hung low.

"Um how old are you?" I asked again.

"8." He answered.

I stared at him silently.

8 years old....

But why does he give off a sense of maturity of an adult already?

His demeanor is not like a normal 8 year old's.

"I'm sorry...." I was pulled out my thoughts when he spoke up again.

I blinked. "Why are you apologising?"

"I'm sorry for imposing on you p'... I don't know how to get back home on my own... And in these clothes even..." He looked down.

"Don't apologise for something that's not your fault." I patted his head.

He hummed softly.

And i don't think i can take you home right now... Your parents would freak out if they saw you...

Suddenly his stomach grumbled.

He blushed deeply and clutched his stomach tightly.

I chuckled.

"Let's get cleaned up. Then we'll go get some food." I fixed his clothes and lifted him up.

He seemed startled.

He looked at me wide eyed.

"What you never been carried before?" I asked.

He clutched my shirt and looked down sadly.

I frowned.

What the....

His family members never carried him before?

I pushed those thoughts away and made my way to the bathroom.

"Take off your clothes." I said taking off my own.

He easily slipped off the things he was wearing.

"P' what am i going to wear after showering?" He looked at me.

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