C11.🚨🚨Rendezvous (PhaForthMing) [M]

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Ming's pov:

I whistled softly to myself as i walked down the hallway.

It was already night time.

I had just finished helping a few students from medical set up their booths for the faculty festival tomorrow.

There are very less students left here.

I'm one of the last ones to leave.

I wonder where p'Forth and p'Pha disappeared off to...

They just left suddenly and didn't come back...

I clicked my tongue.

They had the nerve to ditch the students and go back home without even finishing up the work.

I had to take on their parts as well because of their little stunt.

I stopped in my tracks when i heard a sound coming from one of the classrooms.

I blinked profusely and looked to my side.

The lights were turned off 8n the classroom so there shouldn't be anyone in there.

I went closer to the door and pressed my ear against it to make sure i wasn't imagining it.

My eyes widened when i clearly heard whimpers coming from inside.

I was about to open the door but froze completely when i heard a familiar voice.

"Look at you being such a mess... I wonder what your juniors would say if they saw you like this..."

I covered my mouth with my palm as i realised it was p'Pha's voice.

What the fuck?

Who is he fucking in a classroom?!

My eyes widened in utter shock as i heard p'Forth's small voice.

"Ph-a... Pl-ea-se...."


This is why they suddenly left?! To fuck?!

And p'Forth is the bottom?!

I gulped.

If i get caught eavesdropping, I'm definitely going to get my ass beaten.

I was about to walk away as fast as I could but the door suddenly opened making me stop in shock.

P'Pha was standing there with a wide grin on his face.

His shirt was undone and his pants were open as well. I could clearly make out the bulge.

I had to gulp the access saliva that formed in my mouth at the sight.

"Having fun eavesdropping on us?" He asked.

"I-i... I was about to leave..." I muttered.

"Now, that would be a waste wouldn't it?" He suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me inside closing and locking the door behind me.

He moved from infront of me and stood behind me.

It was then that i saw p'Forth.

He was on the floor laying on his side. Completely naked.

His uniform was spread out under him.

P'Pha's tie was tied around his eyes as a makeshift blindfold and he wrists were tied behind his back with his belt.

I could feel myself getting aroused seeing him lile this.

"He can't hear us since i had put in earplugs in his ears." P'pha whispered in my ear making me shiver.

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