C12.🚨Punishment For His Crime (WinBright) [M]

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Bright's pov:

"P'Bright!" I turned around when i heard my name being called.

The next second arms wrapped around me and a soft pair of lips were pressed against mine.

My eyes widened at the sudden action and i froze for a few seconds.

I immediately pushed her away when i got my senses back and recovered from the shock.

"What the hell, Tina?" I glared at her.

"Why are you so mad? We're going to be acting together in a series in a few weeks. It's just practice." She tilted her head and looked at me innocently.

"That does not mean you can just come upto me and kiss me without my consent. And there's no fucking need for practicing so shove that excuse up your ass and fuck off." I growled out before turning around to walk away.

But i froze when i saw the person standing a bit further away from us leaning back on the wall.

Most people wouldn't be able to recognise him since he was wearing a face mask and a hood over his head. But i was able to recognise those eyes way too easily.

I gulped when i saw his cold gaze glued on me and Tina.

But before i could even think of approaching him or even saying anything, he walked out of the studio.

"Dammit!" I cursed under my breath as i rushed to go after him.

"Win! Win, wait!" I caught upto him just as he went into the parking lot.

I gripped his arm stopping him from getting into his car.

"Get home by 6." He said firmly and shook off my hand getting into the car.

I bit my lips as i stood there watching as his car pulled out of the parking lot and drove out.

I'm fucking screwed...

It wasn't even my fault that it happened but i know damn well he's not going to let me go that easily.

Am i going to be able to stand tomorrow?

Most probably not.

I slowly made my way back inside the studio.

Lets just finish up the work and get back on time so he won't get angrier.
When i got back to our apartment, all the lights were turned off.

I frowned as i made my way inside.

Is he not home?

I looked around.

Nothing was amiss.

I stopped when my gaze dropped on a certain room.

Oh fuck.

I could feel my heart dropping slightly as i saw that the lights were on in that room only.


I'm royally screwed.

I kept my bag on the couch along with my jacket, phone-on silent-, keys, and wallet.

I then took a deep breath and calmed myself a bit before making my way to the room.

I stopped infront of the door and knocked twice waiting for an answer.

I could hear his deep voice coming from inside. "Come in."

I closed my eyes as i tried to calm my nerves before slowly opening the door.

The scene i was greeted with in the room made me choke on my saliva and flush a deep red instantly.

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