A2. Happy Birthday (alt Version) (ThaForth)

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This is an alternate version for the one-shot "Happy birthday"
I got a request to make an alternate version for it since the original one-shot is so angsty and has a sad ending.
This one will have a happy ending and Forth will get the happiness he deserves.

This is for AnayaMewSaint

This version will start from the scene where Forth stands at the edge of the rooftop to take his life.
Everything before that will be the same.

Forth's pov:

I stared down at the city.

It was lit up and there were vehicles on the roads and people walking around.

It's been 3 years since I got married.

It's the same thing.

She brings home different men every night and I'm left to clean up after her.

I waited 2 whole years hoping for a change.

Hoping that maybe I would be able to gain some kind of happiness.

But no.

Even her family treats me like a slave. Just like mine.

No one gives a shit about how I feel.

I don't even remember the last time someone asked me how I'm doing. Nor the last time someone cared about me.

I'm too tired... I can't anymore...

I looked down at my wrists.

They were covered in scars and fresh cuts.

But none of them were deep enough to give me the relief I need.

I took a step closer to the edge.

Would anyone cry at my funeral?

A pained smile formed on my face.

No one cares about me so, of course, no one would cry.

I was about to lean forward but suddenly my arm was yanked backward making me fall to the floor on my back.

I blinked when I realized that I hadn't hit the floor but fallen into a strong pair of arms.

I slowly looked behind me.

I stiffened when I saw a good-looking man looking at me worriedly.

"Why are you trying to take your life?" He asked.

I blinked.

His gaze wandered to my arms where all my scars were visible.

He gulped.

"Don't kill yourself. You'll miss out on so much if you do." He looked at me and said softly.

"You don't know me. You have no idea what kind of life I'm living. What gives you the right to say that?" I pushed him away and got up.

He also got up.

"You don't remember me, Forth?" He asked with a small voice.

His expression changed into a sad one.

I was taken aback by that.


"Am I supposed to know you?" I frowned.

He bit his lips. "It's been 8 years since we met. So it's not surprising that you don't remember."

My frown deepened even more.

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