A19. My Mate (pt. 2) (KnockKorn)

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Knock's pov:

I sighed deeply as i sat back in my chair and stared at the ceiling.

I'm so tired.

Handling the move of the whole pack has been completely exhausting.

I finally finished all the paperwork and we'll be starting the work bext week.

So i still can't rest completely.

There's still a lot to do.

I rubbed my stiff neck as i stretched my back.

I turned towards the door when it opened.

"Hey." Cho came in.

"Hey. Did you finish the things i told you about?" I asked.

"Yup. Everything is done. Now we just need to wait for the reply from the Red Wolf pack." He sat on the chair infront of my desk.

I nodded.

"That's good. We can take a small break before getting back to work again."

He hummed.

There was silence for a few seconds as i stared out the window letting my mind wander off.

"Knock." I looked at him when i heard him calling me.

"You still have those dreams?" He asked seriously.

I smiled thinly and hummed.

"They never stopped. My past self was a fucking asshole and a coward. Max went as far as killing himself because he didn't want to marry someone else. Yet my past self didn't even have the fucking balls to stand up to the alpha."

He nodded.

"I wonder where is he now? Did he find another mate? And is he happy this time?" I leaned my head back on the chair.

"Who knows. He probably doesn't even remember his past life." He replied.

"I hope he doesn't. That would reduce the pain he will have to go through." I sighed.

If he remembers what my past self put him through, no doubt its going to cause him so much pain. Knowing that his own mate rejected him until the last minute and he had no choice but to kill himself.

Cho reached and grabbed my hand.

I looked at him.

"You can't change what happened in your past life, Knock. Blaming yourself isn't going to achieve anything. But what you can do is make sure this time, you don't do the same thing to your mate." He said firmly.

A small smile formed on my face and i nodded.

"Yeah, you're right. I hope i can find them soon though. I'm already 22 years old."

"Don't talk as if you're an old man. You'll find them soon enough. They might even be closer than you think." He chuckled.

I hope so...
"Knock, we got a reply from the Redburn pack." Cho came into my office the next day while I was rechecking the paperwork.

"What did they say?" I asked.

"They said we can meet with them in their packhouse tomorrow afternoon at 3 to discuss everything. That they're willing to help us with anything we need." He smiled.

A wide smile formed on my face as well.

"Thank god. We would be in trouble without their help."

He nodded in agreement.

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