A17. Grey And White (PhaMing)

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Ming's pov:

I stared infront of myself blankly as i sat on the floor in the corner of my room.

The last hour has been a complete blur for me.

My mind couldn't keep up with what my body was doing.

It was as if my body was running on autopilot.

By the time my mind managed to catch up, everything was already over.

I slowly looked down at myself.

I was holding a bloody pocket knife in my hand.

There were atleast 20 fresh cuts on my thighs and stomach.

Thankfully, they seem to be only shallow ones.

I looked around the room.

The whole place was a mess.

Things were thrown everywhere.

My desk was upside down and everything on it had been scattered across the place. I dont know if I'll be able to find everything even.

The bedsheets and pillows were torn and thrown to the floor.

It happened again...

I sighed softly and leaned my head back on the wall.

It's been 2 months since the last time this happened.

I was glad thinking that it had stopped.

But of course it didn't fucking stop.

The pain from the cuts were barely noticeable.

I just felt a gaping void in my chest.

Even with the tear trails on my cheeks and my sore throat from screaming, i feel nothing.

The vivid emotions of anger, frustration, pain, sadness, and betrayal were like distant memories now.

I know damn well I'm going to have to replace so many things around here...

Father isn't going to be happy to hear about this...

He's probably going to send me back to that institution...

I slowly got up from the floor.

I can already imagine his disappointed expression when he hears about this.

He thought keeping me in that mental institution for 2 whole years made me normal again.

He thought i was completely "healed".

Little did he know, his son is a great actor when infront of others.

I threw the pocket knife aside and grabbed some loose clothes from the wardrobe before going into the bathroom.

Thank fuck this room is soundproof...
Pha's pov:

I stared at the wall silently as i tapped my pen on the desk.

He finally calmed down...

I wonder what happened for him to get triggered that badly...

He was screaming and throwing things around for the last 3 hours nonstop.

Now i could have gone there and helped him but i had a feeling he needed to let that all out.

Keeping all those emotions in would only make things worse. Especially if they're that strong.

The pressure to act ok and normal won't be there when you're alone.

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