C1. 🚨🚨Daddy's Baby Boy (TypeTharn) [M]

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Type's pov:

I hummed to myself as i tapped on the steering wheel while driving to my dorm.

The smile on my face didn't disappear even for a second.

I could feel excitement brew inside me as i thought of the things i have planned to do after getting back.

I briefly glanced at the box on the passenger's seat.

The grin on my face only widened at that.

I'm so going to enjoy myself. I'm sure he is as well.

I reached the dorm in 10 minutes.

I quickly took the box and went inside.

Thankfully i didn't run into No or anyone troublesome on the way.

I opened the door to our shared dorm and went inside.

I stopped in my tracks when i saw him sitting on my bedwith his head hung low.

I licked my lips as i closed and locked the door behind me.

He looked up at me when he heard the door lock.

His eyes were teary and his body was slightly trembling.

"Have you been a good boy?" I went upto him putting the box on his bed.

He nodded vigorously.

"Ple-ase daddy... I ca-n't anymore... It hurts..." His hiccuped.

I patted his head gently.

"There there. First take off your clothes. Daddy will take good care of you ok?" I said softly but firmly.

He nodded and hastily took off his clothes.

I could feel myself getting hard as i saw his hard and leaking dick.

It was straining against the cock ring wrapped around the base.

"Such a good boy you are. You did as daddy said?" I cupped his cheek and rubbed it with my thumb.

He nodded and leaned into my palm. "Y-yes... Th-arn did as d-addy said..."

I smiled and leaned down pressing my lips onto his.

He moaned softly and opened his mouth letting me push my tongue inside.

I licked and fucked his mouth mercilessly as i held his head firmly.

He shivered and shook badly as i reached my other hand down and gripped his leaking cock..

"MMMNNNGG...." He moaned loudly into the kiss when i rubbed my thumb on the slit.

I pulled back when he started whimpering.

"D-addyyyy....ple-please..." He sobbed.

"Sssshhh... Daddy will let you cum now." I kissed the salty tears streaming down his face.

I undid the cock ring and he arched his back and immediately shot his load.

"MMMMNNGGHH!!" He bit his lips until they bled to stiffle his loud moan.

I pushed him onto his back and started licking the cum on his body.

He shivered and shuddered under my touch whining into his palm.

"So delicious." I licked my lips after i cleaned every drop from his body and dick which was now standing in attention again.

"Now. Since you have been such a good boy..." I crawled onto the bed and hovered over him.

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