Chapter 37: A New Hero and A New Monster-Ultimate Brawl

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In the south side of royal woods, half of the symbi-warriors and delta marvel force were taking on an army of humanoid or animal symbiote empowered bio hybrids. Hawk Spider, Colossa, Darkpool, Bombshell, Echo Luna and Sync Lisa were keeping more hybrids away from the people of royal woods so they don't get abducted or merged with them.

Darkpool: There's just no end to these things! (Slices another hybrid away)

Echo Luna: You're telling me dude! (Blows away a few hybrids with a thunderclap)

Bombshell: What do we do?! (Knocks away a couple of large hybrids with strong kicks)

Hawk Spider: We keep on fighting to keep the people of royal woods safe, we can't let any more bio symbiote empowered hybrids to take more civilians. (Slices away a few hybrids with his Dao blade)

Sync Lisa: Indeed, we can't afford any more homo sapiens to be taken.

Colossa was hammering away at a couple of humanoid bulky symbiote empowered hybrids left and right.

Colossa: As long as there's more to smash, I'm good!

Hawk Spider noticed three symbiote empowered humanoid/beetle hybrids surrounding Becky and Dana, friends of Lori and Leni.

Becky: HELP!

Dana: Someone help us, please?!?!

Pressing the button on his Dao blade & reconfiguring it back into his bow, hawk spider takes out three arrows to aim.

Hawk Spider: How about a little sound arrows.

He fires the arrows, nailing all three in the back as a high sound frequency was activated which caused the humanoid/beetle hybrids to screech in agony.

Hawk Spider: Colossa, Now!

Colossa: Right!

Colossa charges at the three hybrids, dropkicking two off their feets and uppercuting the third across the city. The pale blue she-hulk and hawk spider tend to Becky and Dana.

Hawk Spider: Are you two okay?

Becky: Y-Yeah, thanks for the save.

Dana: What are those things?

Colossa: No time to explain, just find a place to hide and be safe.

Dana: Ok.

Becky: Thank you.

The two left as Hawk Spider and Colossa return to the battlefield. Meanwhile, Echo Luna and Bombshell were surrounded by symbiote empowered humanoid ape hybrids that were as tall as they were with abnormal muscles.

Echo Luna: This is getting outta hand, brah!

Bombshell: Tell me about it. Every time we knock a hybrid down, more of them show up!

The two starting hammering at each hybrid that was charging at them but the numbers were overwhelming the two rockstar heroes. As Bombshell was trying to get the hulking symbiote empowered humanoid apes off her, she & Echo Luna heard three familiar screams as they turn to the source, seeing their Bandmates Sully and Mazzy along with Sam's brother, Simon (who Sam put in charge of while her parents were out and she was helping the others) being dragged by symbiote empowered rat/jaguar hybrids.

Bombshell: SIMON!


The two broke away from the hulking symbiote empowered humanoid ape hybrids, sending them crashing into the road.

Echo Luna: I'll take Mazzy and Sully, you get your brother!

Bombshell: Got it!

As Echo Luna went for the hybrids that captured Mazzy and Sully, Bombshell immediately charges at the hybrid holding her little brother.

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