Chapter 5: A special bond between the symbiotes and the seven louds

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It was morning at the loud house as lincoln began to awake at the sound of his alarm clock ringing. He shuts it off and let out a yawn.

Lincoln: morning already?

Lincoln gets up out of bed to start the day but he then notices that he was wearing his usual clothes instead of his symbiote.

Lincoln: it's gone! Did it disappear or was it never there to begin with? Was it all a dream?

Then he heard a familiar quiet, female voice.

Voice: I'm afraid it wasn't a dream lincoln.

Lincoln gasps as he looks around to see who said that but he saw nothing.

Lincoln: (getting scared) okay now I'm hearing voices. Where and who are you?

The female voice giggled.

Voice: very well, I'll gladly answer your questions. As for where I am, I am inside your mind and body. And as for who am I, I am omega and I am an amorphic alien life form also known as a symbiote, (chuckles) as you already know about us since you seen us in these comics of yours.

Lincoln: (surprised) how'd you know that?!

Omega: because I'm the symbiote and your my host. You see, when a symbiote finds a host and bonds with him or her, we learn more about them through their thoughts and memories. I learned a lot about you last night, being the middle child of a family with ten sisters, all of your likes and dislikes, habits of reading comics in your underwear-

Lincoln: (interrupts) okay okay that's enough. I believe you now. So why did you choose me to be your host?

Omega: well I must say I could of chose anywhere but as myself and six of my brothers and sisters came here from our planet and crashed into your backyard, that's when we found you. We were dying and the only way to insure our survival is to find a host and fully bond to them until we're a single entity.

Lincoln: that's why you called out to me in my dream.

Omega: yes. And I hope we could in good terms with each other. I can help you with anything you want, give you powers to protect yourself and your family from harm and there won't be any consequences.

Lincoln: (thinks) hmmm.... ah what the heck, I'll keep you. But I need to know are you (gulps) one of the evil symbiotes?

Omega: (assured) oh nononono I am not. We symbiotes are a neutral race, whether good or bad or both, but I assure you I'm not one of the evil ones.

Lincoln: (sighs in relieve) phew. Well now that it's cleared, shall we start the day?

Omega: (replies happily) absolutely.

Lincoln opens his room door and walks out of his room, only to find lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa standing in the hallway, their eyes staring at him. The white haired boy could tell that by the looks on their faces that they were waiting for him. He also noticed that they had on their usual clothing on instead of their symbiotes. There was silence for a brief moment until lincoln decided to break it.

Lincoln: morning guys. Did you sleep well?

The six sisters remained silent.

Lincoln: Okay.... is there something wrong?

The six sisters still remained silent.

Lincoln: (confused) okay well I'm gonna go to the bathroom now.

Lincoln tries to go pass his sisters to go to the bathroom to get ready for school but his path was blocked by his six sisters. He stares at them very nervously.

The loud symbiotes  (a loud house x marvel crossover)Where stories live. Discover now