Chapter 20: The tragedy and change of Ava jones

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Lynn and ava were in the backyard of the loud house practicing their kickboxing.

Lynn: c'mon ava give me your best shot!

Ava: you got it!

Lynn and ava continue to give it their all until they gave each other a double punch to the face, ending it in a stalemate and knocking each other to the ground.

The two got up and laughed.

Lynn: (smiles) man I felt that one, that was a fierce punch ava.

Ava: (smirks) thanks, you're not so bad either.

Ava checked her phone for the time and saw it was 7:59pm.

Ava: oh man! It's almost dinnertime! My parents are gonna kill me if I'm late, gotta go lynn! See ya!

Lynn: bye ava see you tomorrow!

Ava left.

Narrator: with ava.

Ava road her bike almost halfway through the neighborhood, the sun has already gone down and the moon have risen. Ava cursed under her breath as she was late for dinner. Finally made it to her house, ava noticed that the front door was slightly open.

Ava: (confused) huh? Why is my door slightly opened like that? It's not like my folks to leave it open like that.

Ava then shrugs it off before going into her house, then she gasped in shock to find the living room a huge mess, the tv and glass coffee table was broken, the couch was flipped over and multiple holes in the walls.

Ava: what the heck?! Mom? Dad?

Ava searched the living room, no sign of them. She searched the kitchen, no sign of them. Ava searched the dining room, which looked like a tornado hit the place. She found them....but they were laying on the floor, not moving.

Ava: Mom! Dad!

Ava rushes over to her parents, she gasped in terror at the sight of them. They were pale, wide open lifeless eyes, multiple holes in both their chest and a huge puddle of red liquid under them.

Ava: (slowly panicking) no...please no!

Ava thought she was having a nightmare and wanted to wake up but it wasn't...her parents were lying in a pool of their own blood...dead.

Ava sobbed on the bodies of her dead parents.

Then she heard a deep male voice.

???: looks like we've found the jewels and money boys.

Three new voices laughed in response.

Ava saw them. Four robbers, two fat, one slightly skinny and one muscular. All wearing ski masks and carrying bags full of money and jewels. It didn't take too long for them to notice ava.

Robber: (smirks) well guys looks like we got some company left.

Ava looked at the four robbers in fear then in absolute anger.

Ava: (enraged) how could you?! How could kill my parents?!

Robber#2: well...we were robbing their house, we warned them to give us the money and jewels so no one would get hurt.

Robber#3: but sadly little girl, they wouldn't agree to our terms. (Smirks)

Robber#4: (smirks sadisticly) so...we had to put them to sleep...

Ava snared in anger.

Robber: hey if it makes you feel any better, we could kill you right now so you can join your parents in death, how does that sound? (Grins as he points his gun at ava)

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