Chapter 33 (Remastered): Luan's Mysterious Dream & An Eerie Discovery

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It was night time in royal woods as we cut to the loud house. While Leni, Lola, Lily and the loud parents were asleep in their rooms, we see Lincoln, Lori, Luna, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lisa and Ava in pajamas all sitting in the living room as Lincoln and Lana explained the situation with Luan.

Lori: So Luan saw you change into your symbiote forms?

Luna: And you fought a cheetah and a hawk hybrid?

Lynn: And Luan pelted the hybrid with pies to get it away from you two?

Lincoln and Lana nodded.

Lincoln: It was a good thing that Darkpool got to us and fought off the chee-hawk as we got Luan to the ambulance or we would've lost her.

Lana: Yeah. Luan even promised that she would keep our secret too.

Luna: Glad she did and thanks for helping her dudes.

Luna hugs them both.

Lynn: These hybrids popping up randomly outta nowhere.

Ava: It's starting to get troublesome. We need to find where they're coming from.

Lori: Lisa, Have you found out more about this Golden Hybrid Industries?

Lisa: As a matter of fact, I did. Amy and I did some research and found some interesting facts about the company as well as the business man in charge.

Lynn: So whatcha got?

Lisa: The business man in charge is known as Jonas "Domain" Wolfe the 2nd, CEO of Golden Hybrid Industries for Animal Resources, Research and development. A second generation prodigy who has achieved this statue through his bloodline & hard work, a multi-billionaire who's helped kept rare animals & endangered species safe from others who would try to sell them or kill them as well as perform many charity events all over the globe. You could say that he outranks even Lord Tetherby in statue and riches.

Ava: Ok then, so what's he got to do with these Hybrid Androids running wild?

Lisa: I'm getting to that, I noticed that Wolfe was very, very intrigued with animal life throughout his travels like his father before him, who mysteriously "died" when Wolfe was 17 years old. When He turned 18, Wolfe gained control of the company and has been researching various animal species, I noticed that some animals have been missing for a while in various wild life, including forests in royal woods.

Lana: What're you saying, lisa?

Lisa: I'm saying that Wolfe is abducting, experimenting on animals and making them into bio android hybrids.

Lincoln, Lori, Lynn, Luna, Lucy and Ava were shocked while Lana had an enraged look on her face.

Lana: (angry) WHAT?!?!

Lori: Shhhhhhh! Do you want to wake the neighborhood...?

Lana: (whispers; still angry) How can he do this?! Those animals had their own lives, their own family & freedom! What gives that jerk the right to experiment on them?!

Lincoln: If so, how come Wolfe hasn't been arrested?

Lisa: Well for one, Wolfe has major wealth and a team of highly professional lawyers at his disposal, he has been sued various times but he always came on top in court, ruining other companies in the process. The second reason is that no one has been able to prove what Domain was doing with the animals he's researching & some that tried to prove it ended up missing before they could reveal Wolfe's plans.

Lucy: Gasp.

Lisa: It proves that Jonas "Domain" Wolfe is a very dangerous individual, even more so than Tetherby could ever be. Amy and I haven't found out what Mr. Wolfe's true intentions are with these hybrids but I can say that things are about to take the turn for the worse.

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