Chapter 26: The final battle

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Heading up to the top floor of the mansion, lincoln and luna were searching for the other symbi-warriors and skull lasher.

When they made it to the others, lincoln and luna noticed that they were backing away from something as lincoln and luna heard large foot steps heading towards them.

Lincoln: guys!

Luna: dudes!

The symbi-warriors and skull lasher turned to see to lincoln and luna running towards them.

Power lynn: lincoln, luna!

Risk lana: you guys alright?

Lincoln: yeah, a little banged up but okay.

Alpha lori: glad to hear it, are you doing okay, luna?

Luna: I'm okay.

Skull lasher: guys...hate to spoil the family reunion but we have bigger problems now!

The symbi-warriors turn around to see the threat stomping towards them. It was lord tetherby in a giant black and gold armored mech suit.

Lord tetherby: (smirks evilly) look upon me symbi-warriors and tremble for I am your reckoning!

Lincoln: (shocked) he has a giant mechanical robot suit?!

Risk lana: (shocked) whoa!

Power lynn: no time to be shocked, let's take this thing down!

Skull lasher: the bigger they are, the harder they fall!

Lincoln and luna's symbiote masks covered their faces as they joined the others to face tetherby.

Omega lincoln: alright guys let's take him down together!

Symbi-warriors and skull lasher: yeah!

Lord tetherby: (laughs evilly) this fight shall be your last!

The symbi-warriors and skull lasher lunged at tetherby as they clashed. Tetherby activated his shoulder missiles and fired them at power and skull lasher, who dodged the missiles and went to attack the chest armor, only to tetherby to smack them away. Power then kips up and uses her spiked knuckles to take out the left shoulder armor while skull lasher uses her bone claws to slash the right shoulder armor.

Tetherby growled as he fired a golden pulse blast at power and skull lasher, hitting them square on as they crashed into tetherby's dining room.

Shadow then summons her tendril bat wings and shot up in the air and begin to assault tetherby with swift aerial attacks, tetherby uses him mechanical arms to try to catch her but the symbiote clad goth was too fast for him. He then felt something grip him from behind, tetherby turns around to see that it was risk, who had taken the form of a symbiotic gorilla. Tetherby tried to break free but risk kept a strong grip on him as shadow continues to attack him.

Tetherby then activates the jet boots as he flew around the mansion, smashing and ramming risk into all of his prized objects as he finally got the symbiote clad tomboy off but didn't count on shadow clawing one of the jets, making tetherby fall to the ground, hard.

Shadow checks on risk.

Shadow lucy: are you okay?

Risk lana: y-yeah, I'm not out of the game.

Alpha checks on power and skull lasher.

Alpha lori: are you two alright?

Power lynn: yeah, I'm only getting hyped up now!

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