Chapter 42: Revenge of Heat Claw, Clyde finds out!

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Ms. Mirage brought the team back to their home as she tends to the wounds of Omega Lincoln, Hawk Spider and Colossa & also teleported the chained & unconscious Iron Shadowstar to S.H.I.E.L.D. custody. Lori, Luna, Lynn, Lucy, Lana and Lisa had worried looks as Ms. Mirage was treating their brother, extracting the toxins from Venomous Patriot/Anti-Venom's touch with her healing magic.

A few hours went by & soon, Omega Lincoln was no longer in pain but needed rest. The 6 loud sisters were relieved that their brother was okay but showed anger towards the Venomous Patriot for his actions, however, they decided not to think about it right now.... their brother was their only concern.

Ms. Mirage gave Lincoln to the girls, who all wish Hawk Spider, Tech Knight and Colossa a speedy recovery as they left the DMF hideout, heading back to the Loud House for some rest.


We cut to a different home in another neighborhood of royal woods. The camera zoomed in on the window, inside a room where a boy was sitting on the bed with an expression of annoyance & aggravation.

The boy was known as Chase aka the bratty kid.

(Author's Note: Since the Bratty Kid from Cereal Offender didn't have a name, I made up one for him in my fanfic.)

Chase was like a doppelganger lookalike version of Lincoln except he has blonde hair, wearing a white beanie hat and some different clothes with the same color as Lincoln. The reason he's in a foul mood is because he's still grounded for 3 months due to the events of the Cereal Offender as he & his mom were banned from the store. He was unable to doing anything fun & was only allowed to go to school and come straight home for chore duty. And to top it all off, he didn't get his Zombie Bran cereal.... thanks to a certain white haired kid he blames for it.

Chase: Grrrr... if I ever see that white haired boy again, he's gonna pay big time for getting me in trouble. I swear it, I'm gonna get even with him if it's the last thing I do-


Chase was shocked by the sudden booming noise as he felt everything shaking immensely around him. At first, he thought it was an earthquake but the earthquake... or so he thought was an earthquake suddenly stopped. The bratty kid then looked at the window, seeing smoke coming from the backyard followed by a strange glow.

Chase: What is that...?

He knows that he's grounded but his mother was working a night shift at her job so... He decided to go check it out. Grabbing a rope under his bed and tying it to his bed, Chase opens the window and tosses the rest of the rope out the window as he goes & climbs down from his room window carefully, landing safely in the grass as he goes to check out the source of the noise.

In the middle of his backyard was a large crater and within it was a silver pod surrounded in a strange glow. Chase approaches the pod as it opens up, making him take a step back but surely & slowly steps forward to take a closer look.

Inside the large pod was some sort of red & white armored bodysuit with a cool looking helmet and sharp fist claws, Chase's eye lit up in sheer excitement at the suit.

Chase: Cool! Is this some kind of super suit?!

Chase tries to reach for the suit but then... the suit suddenly liquified and shot itself at chase to engulf his entire body as the bratty kid struggled. Soon, the suit regained it's original shape & form... with Chase wearing it!

Chase: Whoa... that was... (pumps his fist in the air) awesome!!!

Suddenly, the claw was engulfed in a scarlet red fire.

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