Chapter 14: Explanation

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Lori: alright tell me and lynn what really happened to you two.

Lincoln and luna looked at each other, lincoln knew that luna didn't want them to know about sam so the two nodded as they told lori and lynn everything, sneaking out in the morning to go to the hospital to see a friend of luna's (sam but didn't tell them she was her girlfriend) and their encounter with the sadistic half woman-half machine, cybra.

Lori: (surprised) what!?

Lincoln: (shushes lori) you want the whole house to hear you?

Lori: I don't know whether to be angry or worried or both to fact that you two snuck out.

Lynn: and encountered another villain and getting injured. Why didn't you call us?

Lincoln: 1. We didn't count on cybra showing up, 2. She was the one blew up royal woods mall, and 3. She's the one who put luna's friend in the hospital.

Luna: it's true dudes. (Winced in pain as she sat up to look at lynn and lori with an angry scowl) that stunt the bloody cyborg pulled put my closest friend in the hospital, her legs are broken because of cybra and I wanted to make her pay for what she did...sigh...but I got slightly carried away.

Lori: (glares) carried away?

Lynn: a freaking concrete building collapsed and fell on you! If you didn't have your symbiote, something bad would of happened to you!

Luna: (angry; in tears) I get it! But that cyborg hurt my friend and would of lost her life if I haven't saved her from being burned alive in the royal woods mall fire! (Sobs in her hands)

Lynn and lori glares softened as they looked at their crying sister.

Lincoln walked towards luna and gave her a warm hug which she returned.

Lori: I'm sorry luna. I guess this friend of yours must've been important to you.

Luna and lincoln broke the hug to look at lori and lynn.

Lynn: I'm sorry too. Heck if my friend polly was in the same position your friend was in, I would hunt down the lowlife who's responsible and teach him a painful lesson.

Luna wipes away her tears and slightly smiles.

Luna: it's okay dudes, I'm sorry for jumping in without thinking or not calling you guys out for backup.

Lincoln: so am I.

Lori: it's okay guys.

Lynn: yeah no sweat.

The four loud siblings hugged it out. They broke the hug and lincoln spoke.

Lincoln: alright lucy I know you're in the vents, come on out!

Lynn, lori, and luna heard a sigh in the vents as the passage door opened and the goth came out of the vent and sat on lincoln's bed next to luna.

Lincoln: I take it you heard everything?

Lucy: sigh... yes. First even though we all get into fights, you would never try to hurt luna purposely, not even with your symbiote powers. And second, (to luna) sorry about your friend luna if my friend haiku was in a horrible predicament like yours or worse...I would find the one responsible and unleash a slow and painful torture beyond even the horrors of the underworld.

Luna: (a little creeped out) it's o-okay lucy and thanks.

Lynn: so what now?

Luna: she's still out there. Cybra needs to be brought down.

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