Chapter 38: The Final Round

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On the rooftop of the golden hybrid industries building, Berserk Risk was in a heated battle with Domain Wolfe aka Adaptation as the Symbiote empowered CEO was overwhelming her.

Berserk Risk: I WILL KILL YOU!!!

Adaptation: You know you can't win, but entertain me more in your efforts to try...

The Berserk Chimera symbiote growled in rage as she slams her left fist into the ground, causing it to shake immensely as symbiote snakes shot out to swarm Adaptation.

Adaptation: This trick again...

He leaps up as the snakes tried to attack but noticed Berserk Risk opening her feathered wing and shoots sharp projectiles at the symbiote empowered CEO. Adaptation shields himself with his arms as the attacks hit, grunting from each strike those feather projectiles took, creating a cloud of smoke and  sparks of lights within.

Berserk Risk: Grrrrr...!

The smoke clears to reveal Adaptation, unharmed and with symbiote tendril, metallic wings.

Adaptation: I admit... that attack was quite something. Want to see my version?

Adaptation raises his arms as sharp metallic projectiles shot out of his wings as they started to levitate towards Berserk Risk, rotating around in a spiral motion as the Chimera symbiote tries to swat them away but the projectiles were dodging her hits as they kept up their spiral patterns.

Soon, the sharp projectiles shot themselves Berserk Risk, who took major damage from the stronger version of her own attack.

Berserk Risk: Aaarrrrggghhhh!!!

Adaptation floats back down, retracting his metallic wings and runs at Berserk Risk, hitting a lethal palm strike to the Chimera symbiote's left arm, making her roar in pain as the left arm fell limp while being kicked swiftly and repeatedly by Adaptation, feeling each impact from the kicks as she was forced back.

Berserk Risk: Gah!!

Adaptation: Come on, you can withstand more than that.

Berserk Risk snarled angrily as the toad armor chest opened up its mouth, multiple tendril sharp tongues shot at Adaptation in attempt to pierce his body but the symbiote empowered CEO caught them with his bare hands and immediately spins her around to slam her into the ground, making a large crater. Adaptation then jumps up and slams his foot into the chest of the Chimera symbiote, who roared in pain.


Adaptation: Such power you possess and you have yet to master it's true capabilities. So far, you're nothing more than a mindless, rabid animal fighting for scrap.

He pressed his foot down harder on Berserk Risk's chest.


Adaptation: My goals are within reach for what I have is ambition.... I live through ambition and with that, I will become the successor to this new world as I reduce the current one to ash.

Berserk Risk: Grrrrr.... GRRRRR!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

Adaptation: Still got fight in you, hmm? Well continue to entertain me more... the final curtain draws near.


Within the building, another fight was happening as Alpha Lori was using her six armed tendril blades to block the spiked tentacles of Mecha Kraken, who was spinning in a tornado style position to strike the symbiote clad eldest loud.

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