Chapter 41: New Recruits final- The Venomous Patriot

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Lincoln ran home as fast as he could despite being tired from the dance battle with Elise Li. He had to let his sisters and Ava know what transpired.

Lincoln: She knows I'm Omega of the symbi-warriors? How did she found out?! What does she plan to do with my secret?! I need to tell the-

Lincoln was cut off when he bumped into someone, both falling on their butts. Lincoln groans as he looks to apologize for bumping into the person but he failed to speak upon seeing someone very familiar in front of him.

It was Maggie, the emo girl he once tried to entertain at her 13th birthday as a clown and nearly ruined it but Luan helped him out with a mime routine to impress her.

Lincoln: (in his mind) Oh man... the situation just went from bad to worse.

Maggie soon laid her eyes on Lincoln, a cold stare & a deep frown upon her face.

Maggie: Oh I remember you... you're the failure of a clown who almost ruined my birthday party.

Lincoln: Look, I get it. You're upset about the whole birthday thing but I never meant to cause trouble at your party but it came out good in the end, right? You probably won't forgive me but I still want to say that I'm sorry.

Maggie: .......

Lincoln: So....

Maggie: Sigh... whatever. I need to leave anyway, see ya around.

Maggie got up and walked off.

Lincoln: Wow... that was unexpected.

Omega: Lincoln...

Lincoln: What's wrong, omega?

Lincoln could feel chills coming from his symbiote within.

Omega: Something's not right about that Maggie girl....

Lincoln: Whatta you mean? Sure, she's gloomy and intimidating but she's Luan friend and not a bad person.

Omega: (her voice in suspicion) That's not it.... I think I sense a member of my kind inside of her...!

Lincoln: Wait? What?

Lincoln turns around to see that Maggie had quickly vanished.

Lincoln: Okay... that was weird. I'll worry about Maggie later, I have to tell the others about Elise!

Lincoln ran off but from a far  alleyway in the shadows, Maggie was watching but... something else was beside her, watching with sharp black & white eyes.

???: (distorted, menacing female voice) So this one is what troubles you so before, should I eat him?

Maggie: No. He was a terrible clown but he doesn't deserve to be eaten alive. Plus, he wouldn't taste very good.

???: Very well, I also sense my kind inside of the white haired kid. Very familiar to me, shall we go after him?

Maggie: No. We have bigger fish to fry. Let's go Reaper.

The two then go deeper into the shadows, disappearing as the voice of the one called Reaper was heard.

Reaper: See you soon, Cousin Omega.....


Meanwhile at the loud house, Lincoln called an emergency meeting in Lisa's room, the symbi-warrior loud sisters and Ava went into lisa's room. Lola and Leni were about to go in there to see what's up but was stopped by Lori.

Lori: Where do you two think you're going?

Lola: What? We wanna see what secret Lincoln has to say.

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