Chapter 7: trouble at the softball game

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The six loud siblings made it back home but not before dropping lynn off to her to her middle school to practice with her team after school for the big softball game. Lori, disguised as her mother rita thanks to her alpha symbiote, she was able to convince lynn's teachers to excuse lynn from her classes to let her play on her softball team. They accepted, in exchange for double the homework assignments lynn missed during her absence today and one week of detention. Surprisingly, lynn was okay with the detentions but the huge stack of homework was going to come back and bite her, luckily she had lisa to help her with it. While back home, lori, luna, lincoln, lucy, lana, and lisa were greeted by their parents.

Rita: hey kids, how was school?

Lori: oh it was fine mom but lynn stayed after school for softball practice. (Hands lynn sr the keys to vanzilla) here you go dad.

Lynn Sr: thanks lori. Well I better go get leni and lily from their  grandfather's, see ya. (Walks out the door)

Lori: hey what about luan and lola?

Lynn Sr: oh they called earlier saying their friends are giving them a ride home. (Takes his leave) bye guys!

Lori, luna, lincoln, lucy, lana, and lisa: bye dad! See ya pops! Have a safe trip father unit. See you later!

Rita: well I'm going to my room to write my next chapter in my novel. (Leaves to her and lynn sr's room)

As rita left, lori, luna, lincoln, lucy, lana, and lisa had smirks on their faces.

Lincoln: they completely bought it.

Lana: they don't know we actually skipped school today.

Lisa: or suspects that the seven of us each have the symbiotic life forms within us.

Luna: made a clean get away dudes.

Lori: (smirks confidently) I told you I had everything under control. No one knows about us skipping school or our symbiotes and no one got in trouble, it was a perfect sneak out.

Lucy: sigh... it was wicked.

Lori: now that this is done, I'm going to go have a video chat with bobby. (Walks upstairs but looks at lincoln, luna, lucy, lana, and lisa) and don't forget no one, not our friends, not our parents, not leni, luan, lily, and especially not lola is to find out about our secret, got it?

The four sisters and brother nodded in agreement. Lori then took her leave upstairs to her room.

Lisa: I shall head upstairs as well. I plan to take notes on what I've recorded during our sparring session while having assistance with our symbiotes.

Lucy: I'll head upstairs too, I need to work on my new poem.

Lisa and lucy head upstairs to their room, leaving lincoln, lana, and luna alone in the living room. Lincoln then heard his stomach growl.

Lincoln: guess I'm getting hungry.

Lana: me too.

Luna: let's make some grub dudes.

Lincoln, lana, and luna headed for to get some lunch. Lincoln made a peanut butter and sauerkraut sandwich, lana was having some leftover pizzas, and luna was having some chocolate pudding. As they were eating their food, lincoln sighed sadly, which was heard by lana and luna.

Luna: something troubling you bro?

Lincoln: sorry... I was just thinking that since we got these symbiote suits, maybe we could use them to help out people who might be in trouble, like heroes would.

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