Chapter 45: A Haunting in the Woods of Royal part 2

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Omega Lincoln groans as he slowly came to, his vision still blurry from the thorn that knocked him out, he remembered two large, hulking figures in masks attacking him, his sisters & his friends. He looks around upon finding himself in a strange looking cage, next to Alpha Lori, Ronnie Anne, Sid, Adelaide, Nikki, Lana, Bobby, Sameer, Laird, Casey, Artemis, Becky, Luna, Luan and Ava who are all in cages. Omega Lincoln finally regained his full vision, looking around upon seeing a bizarre lab of some kind with some sort of dark magic  vibe to it.

Omega Lincoln: What the...?

???: (Cold male voice) Ah, you're finally awake...

Omega Lincoln turns to to see someone operating on something, turning around to face him. It was a slightly tall man in his 30s with pale skin, neck length light gray hair slicked back, cold indigo eyes and has a slight athletic figure. He was wearing goggles, a white lab coat, a black shirt, white gloves, pants and white boots. The demeanor of the man sent chills down the symbiote clad boy's spine, his eyes looked like they were staring right through him.

Omega Lincoln broke out of his trance of the man's stare as he heard his sisters and friends waking up too.

Ava: Ughhhh....

Casey: What happened...?

Sid: Where are we? (Sees Omega Lincoln and Alpha Lori) Eeep! What are you?!

Lana: They're Omega and Alpha of the Symbi-warriors.

Nikki: Oh, one of the heroes linc was talking about?

Lana nods.

Luna: Oh my head... What is this place?

???: My lab.

Everyone turn to the man, getting chills from his cold and sinister demeanor.

Alpha Lori: Who are you?

???: Well I guess introductions are in order. My name... is Leon Silverdrake.

Everyone's eyes widened while some gasped or screamed.

Sameer: S-S-Silverdrake?

Bobby: You're the guy from Sameer's scary story!

Silverdrake: Oh. The numerous tales of frightening mystery behind my life... I've come across a lot of people who told countless stories about me.

Luan: The story of you, the disappearances, the three sibling's death, your children's vanishing, you being locked in your mansion after your wife's unsolved death is true?

Silverdrake had a slight eerie smile.

Silverdrake: Hehe... guilty as charged...

Everyone gulped nervously but Ronnie Anne asks a question to the man.

Ronnie Anne: Did... Did you kill your wife or was she murdered by unknown causes?

Silverdrake: ......

Bobby: NiNi, I-I don't think it's good to ask that question, e-even if it's a mad scientist who has us in cages...

Silverdrake: That story was entirely true... My wife was murdered. And I made it personal for the one who did it to perish in a slow and painful demise.

Adelaide was scared as she slowly begins to cry while Sid hugged her.

Silverdrake: However, I didn't do it sooner back then but since it's the last thing you're gonna hear, I'll explain the tale. You see, after the police found my wife's body in the plains, there was no sign of physical harm from hands, weapons, drugs, nothing broken, no blood, no rupture or failed organs, no disease and sadly no pulse... She simply died without a means of what took her life...

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